Sweat shot & Alive

You armchair sleuths are hilarious! Why didn't the cop shoot Sweat in the legs instead of risking killing him with two shots in his torso?
Are you fucking ignorant?

Why in the hell would they aim for one of their legs?

To disable him with a non-lethal shot. Authorities wanted Sweat alive.
WTF makes you think a gunshot in the leg is going to be non-lethal even if you did manage to hit it?

I think that you live more in TV land than reality land.
This is the second white murderer that law enforcement has been able to take in not only alive, but with care and compassion....that white punk Roof, gets a damn burger king meal and this cop killer gets medical attention....something black criminals who sell e-cigs and who owe child support aren't privy too...they get murdered by cops.

Doing some cherry-picking in support of the same black thugs you castigate in other threads for the damage they do to your community? What are you, bi-polar? BTW, you conveniently skipped over the part where Richard Matt (also white) was shot and killed (3 shots to the head) by officers while holding a weapon.
We have seen no rioting, looting or burning in protest and Rev Al is nowhere to be found.

Cherry picking my ass.....I keep it 100 on everything I speak here, and I hold no bars when it comes to race or gender, lets make that clear first......I hold no sympathy for black thugs at all, I do however take exception to how they're handled in the presence of law enforcement who are paid by all tax dollars and who are sworn to protect and serve all citizens, even the criminals. The fact that Matt was killed, he waved a gun, he got shot...how the hell does that compare to the countless black men, unarmed and still gunned downed??? Apple and Oranges, you fool, apple and oranges. As for the rioting and looting, etc....what the hell you gonna loot? A tree?

As usual, can't make a comment without involving Al or Obama...you people seriously need to get a life.

Obama is my Prez ... Rev Al is a race-baiting self promoter. Big diff there.
Thousands of thugs - of all races - are arrested daily and receive the same treatment as Sweat and Roof. For some reason you - like Rev Al - are interested only in the few exceptions to the rule. The fact is our thugs are a tremendous drain on our society ... not only to your community.
They drain our limited resources while diminishing the quality of our lives. Let's not mourn their "tragic" ends.
You armchair sleuths are hilarious! Why didn't the cop shoot Sweat in the legs instead of risking killing him with two shots in his torso?
Are you fucking ignorant?

Why in the hell would they aim for one of their legs?

To disable him with a non-lethal shot. Authorities wanted Sweat alive.
WTF makes you think a gunshot in the leg is going to be non-lethal even if you did manage to hit it?

I think that you live more in TV land than reality land.

Hey, it worked in Fargo.
Uh, no, not really. Those countries that ban guns have also banned the death penalty. In fact, Germany, the UK, Italy, Canada, France have no death penalty at all, and still don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.

But we do know if these 2 killers had been executed, we wouldn't have had to have numerous cops out on a very dangerous manhunt, and we know there wouldn't have been a prison breakout, which we still don't know if anyone was killed by these 2 dirtbags over the last 3 weeks. Time will tell about that.

Well, actually, since the whole area was under survelience, we can be pretty sure they didn't.

And some countries have far MORE homicides than we have >>

Brazil, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Russia, South Africa, Swaziland, Uruguay, Venazuela, and scores of Middle Eastern and African countries.

None of these are advanced industrialized democracies.

When we are talking about our peer group - then we have lots of homicides and they have very few.

The idea is, we want to be LESS like those third world countries and MORE like those advanced countries. We used to be one of those advanced countries until the Republicans came along and fucked everything up.
1. Uh, yes, really. Thousands of killers who were not executed have gone on to kill again, while they were incarcerated, or escaped from prison.

2. You were also wrong about the UK. Not only are their homicide rates not less than the US, they are DOUBLE the US rate (which is 4.8 per 100,000 persons, compared to 8.5 in the UK) Please read the link (SLOWLY & CAREFULLY), and don't even think of trying to hide behind the invalidation card. The stats are here, regardless of the messengers. Note also that this is the MURDER rate, irrespective of the METHOD of the murder. I utterly refuse to get into the discussion of "gun violence." A death is a death.

Now I shall retire to the kitchen. I'm famished.

Rick Notes Comparing England or UK murder rates with the US More complex than you thought

FBI Table 16


House of Commons - Home Affairs - Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

House of Lords -
The cop had a full clip. Surely he could have shot Sweat in the legs - anywhere but torso. Authorities wanted valuable information from Sweat. Luckily, they may still get it.
1. Uh, yes, really. Thousands of killers who were not executed have gone on to kill again, while they were incarcerated, or escaped from prison.

"thousands"? Really? Do you have a link for that?

In fact, the percentage of killers who kill again is only 1.6%.

What percentage of released murderers go on to kill again - Quora

2. You were also wrong about the UK. Not only are their homicide rates not less than the US, they are DOUBLE the US rate (which is 4.8 per 100,000 persons, compared to 8.5 in the UK)

Uh, no, they aren't. We have 5 per 100K people, the UK has 1 per 100K people.

Intentional homicides per 100 000 people Data Table
So move to a country where the people can't defend themselves against a government that in the past have proven they can and will commit genocide against its population that is unarmed.

I already live in one of those. The government genocided the shit out of the Native Americans.
1. Injuns had weapons and in some cases guns. 2. Injuns had already genocided the shit out of the Europeans that were here BEFORE them.

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