Swamp Omen: Washington (Deuteronomy?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The popularity/appeal of the modernism-paranoia comic book 'anti-hero' Swamp Thing (DC Comics), a man named Alex Olsen who was transformed by chemicals into a swampy creature of decomposing vegetable-matter. Swamp Thing is an 'eco-avenger' of sorts, haunting the swamps and reminding people of the dangers of apathy towards virtue and balanced spirituality.

We might think of the modern relevance of Swamp Thing for our arguably commerce-obsessed 'TrumpUSA.'

Isn't eco-folklore a modern phenomenon? What would Trump say about the development of such storytelling?


"Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale, and in the south, and by the sea side, to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Euphrates" (Deuteronomy 1:7, KJV).

Alex Olsen read over this passage in the Bible over and over again as he meditated about mankind's treatment of Earth. Olsen was no longer a normal human; he was now the Swamp Thing (after the terrible transformative chemical accident involving a betraying friend and a lost love). Swamp Thing decided to wander into Manhattan, New York and creep around the rivers and sewers and observe the daily activities of Americans in the modern world.

"It seems to me that humans have become complacent both about the dangers of terrible science (e.g., biochemical warfare research) and the ugliness of eco-pollution (e.g., mishandled toxic-waste). The various kinds of American terrain have been 'sullied' by the deeds/activities of modern men. I, Swamp Thing, vow to understand the cause and nature of these capital sins and try to forge some measure of optimism towards TrumpUSA. I shall not fail, for God is with me..."

Swamp Thing liked his little 'speech' and proceeded towards Manhattan. He spent a whole year wandering around the rivers and sewers of the New York island and trying to take mental notes about what was required to improve the spiritual/moral health of America. Swamp Thing came across a beautiful young female secretary working in a Manhattan law firm. Her name was Isabel, and she seemed to be genuinely interested in the legal history of cases involving the mishandling of toxic-waste. Swamp Thing decided to follow Isabel around until he could get her alone (to talk with her and reach out to her about America).

SWAMP THING: Are you happy working in Manhattan?
ISABEL: Why are you so deformed? What are you!?
SWAMP THING: I'm a mutant who was once a man; now I'm an 'eco-avenger.'
ISABEL: So, you're some kind of 'eco-prophet.' Well, I study toxic-waste.
SWAMP THING: I know. You work in that law firm and take personal notes.
ISABEL: Yes, I've been researching cases involving toxic-waste.
SWAMP THING: I know, Isabel; I've been spying on you (sorry).
ISABEL: That's alright; you seem like you really care about the environment.
SWAMP THING: I do; it's my mission on Earth. I want to help you!
ISABEL: Alright; well, I can't exactly introduce you to the public.
SWAMP THING: Yes (haha). However, I will be your 'secret sidekick.'
ISABEL: Sounds intriguing, Swamp Thing. I'm sorry about what happened to you.
SWAMP THING: I will find value in my life through my eco-missionary work.
ISABEL: Cool...

Swamp Thing (Alex Olsen) realized he found a new lease on life working alongside Isabel studying the legal complications involving serious corporate cases about toxic-waste. The two 'heroes' moved to Washington, D.C. Swamp Thing and Isabel worked together and prepared cases and case-presentations for NY and DC lobbyists and Congressmen, hoping to create real eco-reforms and change and urge the Trump Administration to consider the weight of energy and resource and ecosystem use in this modern age of high levels of commercial traffic and industry. Swamp Thing invited Isabel to visit him in his swamp 'haven' in New Orleans, and she did --- becoming his 'crusade-angel.' Would Swamp Thing and Isabel succeed in doing what politicians failed in doing --- creating real Christian idealism?



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