Survivor 31


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Wherever starts tonight! Won't come on here until after BB17 ends..which will be in about 3 hours for me, give or take.

Thought I would get a new thread going for it. :)
Oy. That Abi is horrible. I hope they kick her off 1st. Still have half an hour to go til it ends.
They HAVE to get rid of Abi next if they lose another challenge. That bitch is just wonky.
She is just awful.
Meanwhile, maybe another team will lose a challenge and we will be able to see what else is going on besides her drama.
Well, that one tribe got rid of that huge threat of Monica. Kimmi way overreacted to that but then that's typical of her.

Why that one tribe keeps tolerating that ass Abi is beyond me - unfortunately, yesterday's edit looked like it could be setting up a Woo boot. I think her time is short come merge, she annoys everyone.
I hope Woo and Joe stay a long time, but both are threats. They all tend to keep the floaters.
Yeah, I was sorry to see Woo go last night. What is the matter with Kass, she had Spencer in her cross hairs but wouldn't pull the trigger? Doesn't she know that he is a production pet? Now he's going to get her out not long after the merge.

Jeremy is also a traditional merge boot target but they are foreshadowing next week will be either Kass or Abi. Either is fine by me.
I see this thread is just about dead but I wanted to pop in to say that I'm really glad Jeremy won but I didn't like the finale because they edited it to appear that he had just won because of his family when he played a very good game. Spencer proved to be a weasel and Tasha a follower. Good of Jeremy to vote out Wentworth, if she had been in F3 she may have been the only person who could have beat Jeremy.
I see this thread is just about dead but I wanted to pop in to say that I'm really glad Jeremy won but I didn't like the finale because they edited it to appear that he had just won because of his family when he played a very good game. Spencer proved to be a weasel and Tasha a follower. Good of Jeremy to vote out Wentworth, if she had been in F3 she may have been the only person who could have beat Jeremy.
Agreed. Tasha shouldn't have been sitting there to begin with. But if Wentworth was...Jeremy MAY not have won. So he chose well, who to sit next to him.
Jeremy did play a good game. Actually...all of them did. This was the best survivor in a very long time. They played hard. All of them. But I sure wish Joe would have won. He is just nice. Period.
Love survivor but I hate when they bring back former players it feels like watching repeats passed off as new shows.
So you don't want to see Rupert again?
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