Survey Finds 20% of American Workers in Major Cities Quitting Over Unbearable Commutes


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

What have we done to ourselves? So dependent upon vehicles that we’ve destroyed the infrastructure for effective mass transportation?

We also centralize businesses in inner cities that depend upon workers who live in the suburbs.

Robert Puentes, president of the Washington-based Eno Center for Transportation, said the Robert Half finding that 23 percent of employees surveyed had bailed on their jobs due to bad commutes seemed high, but there’s no dispute about some of the downsides of long, stressful commutes to work.

We do know that there are big impacts of long commutes on the American workforce,” Puentes told, adding that these include mental health issues, higher divorce rates and high blood pressure.

But the quality of the commute may be just as relevant as the time spent, he said. Research shows workers who are able to walk to work are highly satisfied, and employees who have the option of a pleasant light-rail ride tend to be happier than those who are constantly in bumper-to-bumper traffic, according to Puentes.

More @ Survey Finds 20% of American Workers in Major Cities Quitting Over Unbearable Commutes
I worked in California for a couple years back in the 90s. I rented an apartment and could walk to work but many of the people I worked with lived more than an HOUR away. Add to that working 10 to 20 hours overtime per week those people were always tired and crabby.
I've never lived more than 20 minutes from where I worked.

When I lived in DC I commuted to Rosslyn, Virginia, the opposite direction in rush hour. Still 20 minutes.
I've never lived more than 20 minutes from where I worked.

When I lived in DC I commuted to Rosslyn, Virginia, the opposite direction in rush hour. Still 20 minutes.

Wanna know something funny? Back in the early 80's, when I was stationed at Norfolk, I lived only about 5 miles from where the ship was. If I was to ride the bus to get to work, I'd have to get up around 5:00 and be at the bus stop by 5:30 in order to make it to work on time. My neighbors all got up and were on the road by 6:00 to make it to work on time.

After a month or two of that, I decided to buy a bicycle and see if I could ride to work. Because of the horrific traffic going to the base, I was able to white line it and ride between the cars. Only took me around 15 to 20 min. to ride to work.

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