Surprised by the lack of mention here


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
About Tom Tancredo coming out of nowhere in the Colorado's governors race as a third party pick and having a serious shot of winning on Tuesday.

I mean seriously, he was at 13% less than 2 months ago and suddenly he is within the margin of error. Anyone else surprised here?
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Go to 9:18 which is where Glenn really started talking to Tancredo about the 10th Amendment. I love what he is saying there.
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Came out of nowhere? I thought he ran for president in 2008?

Yeah, he came out of Nowhere. He got on the ballot as a third party candidate. Was polling at 13% at the beginning of September and is now within the margin of error. And his numbers are still rising.

What exactly do you think out of nowhere means? You telling me anyone paying attention to Colorado's Governor's race was expecting this 3 or 4 months ago? Please tell me who.
Came out of nowhere? I thought he ran for president in 2008?

Yeah, he came out of Nowhere. He got on the ballot as a third party candidate. Was polling at 13% at the beginning of September and is now within the margin of error. And his numbers are still rising.

What exactly do you think out of nowhere means? You telling me anyone paying attention to Colorado's Governor's race was expecting this 3 or 4 months ago? Please tell me who.

OMG....why must you guys ferrit out the smallest, most irrelevant point upon which to squabble?

For Christssakes, R's tried to BURY Tancredo with a bunch of stale scare tactics, and now he, like Angle and O'Donnel have come from Dark Horse positions to voable contenders: THAT'S WHAT "OUT OF NOWHERE" MEANS. Avatar, if you need to fucking draw a picture to 'splain this, then you're dealing with an idiot (Truthmatters) or a Partisan Troll (USC).

Neither are worth this post, but you are.
Seen this ad, Avatar? I cried.


I dun give a fuck what party he's in; I hope Tancredo wins.
Very impressive. Tancredo is not a guy with whom I am impressed but neither is Hickenlooper. He is not quite into the margin of error yet, but there is still three days to go.

RCP Average 10/15 - 10/28 -- 47.3 40.0 8.7 Hickenlooper +7.3 [over Tancredo]

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