Suppose Mueller is close to breaking case in Nov. 2020


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Will liberals vote for President Trump to give Mueller more time to bring him to justice during his 2nd term?

Would it be fair to a great hero like the Mule to deny him an opportunity to bring down the Presidency?
Will liberals vote for President Trump to give Mueller more time to bring him to justice during his 2nd term?

Would it be fair to a great hero like the Mule to deny him an opportunity to bring down the Presidency?
The answer is NO !!!!!!!! They are just using Mueller to harass the man for his positions taken on life, on America being great, being more kind, and being more prosperous in the future.

If Mueller doesn't produce results for them, then they will quickly drop his ACE, and then move quickly on to the other laundry list of bullcrap items in which they keep up their sleeves as weapons to be used in the attempt to destroy this President for trying to help this nation get back on it's feet again.

They must move forward towards their utopic socialist state or face defeat for many years to come after what they were trying to do.
The OP sounds like it was talking about bringing Mueller to justice (for his crime of treason, for starters)
Well he did say he would release his report after the mid terms.

Hell they've been done for a month.

Wonder if he did mean mid terms after 2020??

I also wonder if any of us will be alive to hear his report. We will all probably die of old age.
Well he did say he would release his report after the mid terms.

Hell they've been done for a month.

Wonder if he did mean mid terms after 2020??

I also wonder if any of us will be alive to hear his report. We will all probably die of old age.
That's what the Demon-crats have been hoping for (we all die quickly), and this is so that they can fill the slots in government with anti-Americans like the Cortez women has shown herself to be. Good grief.. I feel so sorry for my grandchildren, but it's all good as they are innocent, and will be protected by the Lord Christ come the judgement, and it's all because he knows how they are being set up now. Suffer the little children unto me he said, and thank God for it.
Well he did say he would release his report after the mid terms.

Hell they've been done for a month.

Wonder if he did mean mid terms after 2020??

I also wonder if any of us will be alive to hear his report. We will all probably die of old age.
They need to keep it alive, to keep voters uncertain about Trump. It's all a 2020 election ploy. Most of what they do is to unseat Trump. They're fanatical.

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