Supermarkets allowed to begin rationing, says Spain’s socialist government


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Open your eyes, guys, anything is planed by Schwab, Gates & Co.
First the SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984 with forced MRNA 'vaccination', now WWIII performed by their bitches like Putin, Zelensky, NATO, EU.
All is going according the plan.
Just reread the Great Reset written by Schwab.
The war in Ukraine must be stop, the criminals like Schwab, Putin, Zelensky, Biden, Gates and another ones shall be sent to a tribunal charged by crimes against humanity

The socialist government of Spain has introduced new laws allowing for the supermarkets to ration food and other items as a part of its “Response Plan” to the economic fallout from the war in Ukraine.
Amid soaring inflation, which hit nearly 10 per cent in March, the Spanish government, controlled by the leftist Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has opened up a legal loophole for supermarkets to begin rationing to customers.
Published on Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE) news bulletin website of the government, an amendment was inserted to the Regulation of Retail Trade law of 1996, which previously prohibited businesses from rationing.
The new amendment reads: “Exceptionally, when there are extraordinary circumstances or force majeure that justify it, commercial establishments may temporarily suspend the prohibition… of limiting the number of items that can be purchased by each buyer.”
The government stressed that rationing must be justified, such as in order to prevent shortages, prior to limits being implemented.
Despite the worrying signal from the struggling state, the government’s Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda Raquel Sánchez appealed for calm, saying: “Sometimes there are alarms guided by nervousness. That is what the plan contemplates and I think the important thing is that we make a call for responsibility, that together it is up to us to transmit a message of tranquillity to the citizenry.”

Sánchez said the supermarkets and markets should be “responsible” in how they convey information to the public to prevent panic buying.

Spain is missing the leadership of Francisco Franco right about now. The beloved caudillo never went for this kind of shit.
Open your eyes, guys, anything is planed by Schwab, Gates & Co.
First the SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984 with forced MRNA 'vaccination', now WWIII performed by their bitches like Putin, Zelensky, NATO, EU.
All is going according the plan.
Just reread the Great Reset written by Schwab.
The war in Ukraine must be stop, the criminals like Schwab, Putin, Zelensky, Biden, Gates and another ones shall be sent to a tribunal charged by crimes against humanity

The socialist government of Spain has introduced new laws allowing for the supermarkets to ration food and other items as a part of its “Response Plan” to the economic fallout from the war in Ukraine.
Amid soaring inflation, which hit nearly 10 per cent in March, the Spanish government, controlled by the leftist Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has opened up a legal loophole for supermarkets to begin rationing to customers.
Published on Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE) news bulletin website of the government, an amendment was inserted to the Regulation of Retail Trade law of 1996, which previously prohibited businesses from rationing.
The new amendment reads: “Exceptionally, when there are extraordinary circumstances or force majeure that justify it, commercial establishments may temporarily suspend the prohibition… of limiting the number of items that can be purchased by each buyer.”
The government stressed that rationing must be justified, such as in order to prevent shortages, prior to limits being implemented.
Despite the worrying signal from the struggling state, the government’s Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda Raquel Sánchez appealed for calm, saying: “Sometimes there are alarms guided by nervousness. That is what the plan contemplates and I think the important thing is that we make a call for responsibility, that together it is up to us to transmit a message of tranquillity to the citizenry.”

Sánchez said the supermarkets and markets should be “responsible” in how they convey information to the public to prevent panic buying.


I can’t wait until the denying freaks in the US expeience this same thing because we know it’s coming .
the globe will not OWN anything build back better.
The people need to rise up and bring down Schwab, Gates, Facui, and the NWO—- This is not going to go away.
They need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

Everything is leaving the US the losers who chanted — no walls, no borders, no kkk omg these same fkn morons got all they wanted and then some.
Stores have been limiting the number of things you can buy in socialist america for as long as I have been alive.
Leftists have a long history of causing mass starvation.
Stalin and Mao starved millions.
This whole situation has its roots in Climate Change Cult policies.
The Europeans thought that alternative energy could replace fossil fuel.
Putin is taking advantage of their mistake.
Now we have a shortage fertilizer......
I can’t wait until the denying freaks in the US expeience this same thing because we know it’s coming .
the globe will not OWN anything build back better.
The people need to rise up and bring down Schwab, Gates, Facui, and the NWO—- This is not going to go away.
They need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

Everything is leaving the US the losers who chanted — no walls, no borders, no kkk omg these same fkn morons got all they wanted and then some.

Until the gang of Schwab, Biden, Putin, Zelensky, Fauci & Co is stopped the world will suffer extremely wars, hunger and starvation!
Leftists have a long history of causing mass starvation.
Stalin and Mao starved millions.
This whole situation has its roots in Climate Change Cult policies.
The Europeans thought that alternative energy could replace fossil fuel.
Putin is taking advantage of their mistake.
Now we have a shortage fertilizer......

Look at almost any mainstream politician in former Christian countries.
The absolute majority are lying corrupted sexual deviant thieves and murders.
We badly need another system founded on Christian Moral, Christian Values and Ideas of the US founders.
All lying Freemason scum shall be forced to resign.
Otherwise all still white countries will die.
Look how the situation is crazy now.
We, whites are a small minority in the world, but we are stupidly kill each other in Ukraine now at behalf of our enemies like Putin, Zelensky, Biden and another filth.
Look at almost any mainstream politician in former Christian countries.
The absolute majority are lying corrupted sexual deviant thieves and murders.
We badly need another system founded on Christian Moral, Christian Values and Ideas of the US founders.
All lying Freemason scum shall be forced to resign.
Otherwise all still white countries will die.
Look how the situation is crazy now.
We, whites are a small minority in the world, but we are stupidly kill each other in Ukraine now at behalf of our enemies like Putin, Zelensky, Biden and another filth.
yeah, can't claim Russia is a Christian nation out there sinning away in Ukraine.
yeah, can't claim Russia is a Christian nation out there sinning away in Ukraine.

Actually, the Russian patriarch is solidly behind the Soviet Lincoln, Uncle Pootie.

Further, both combatants in this war stand for Christian values like Normalcy, neither recognizes Gay Marriage.
I don't see why He wouldn't be. Remember the statement He made in favor of normalcy in Sodom as well as in Gomorrah.
No, I do remember his kid telling you to love your neighbor as you love yourself. But, that is one of the more useless commands...

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