Superconductors Are a Reality?


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021

Ok....if this proves to be real....

We have a Whole New World coming.
Electric vehicles are going to be viable for a change.
Hovercraft for the common man....think "Back to the Future" hoverboard.

Supercomputing cell phones...antenna that can reach anywhere.

This is the stuff of science fiction....and yes; The materials are not exorbitant in price or exotic.
It's basically types of lead compounds and copper compounds that are reasonable to produce in an industrial setting.
If not as fully as described we will get there. It's as I often note. One step forward may not be the answer but it helps to get to the answer.

Saying what we have should be good enough would mean people would still by dying from simple infections.
If not as fully as described we will get there. It's as I often note. One step forward may not be the answer but it helps to get to the answer.

Saying what we have should be good enough would mean people would still by dying from simple infections.
That's just it....
They gave out the recipe to make anyone and everyone the ability to make it in their labs. Inviting scientists to replicate their findings.

Meaning that mass production is not very far off.

Hoverboards won't be available this Christmas but next Christmas for sure!

Apple's newest I-phone will actually have a real upgrade instead of a phoney one. Quantum computing in your cell phone.

Electric/hybrid Cars will actually be a viable option for a change while not being exorbitantly expensive.

Force fields, Energy weapons and etc will now be handheld devices. (2nd ammendment won't apply)

There's a HUGE list of science fiction possibilities.

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