Super long and boring article about Hillary Clinton from NY MAG


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Surreal Post-Election Life

She is wearing the same KIM JON UN jacket in every photo.


The title is obviously wrong. She is not okay...she is very ill in mind and body.
That's the photo they chose for a She's OK article?! She looks demented.
I think I am going to save this article to read the entire thing the next time I have insomnia.

I love the picture of her going through fan mail in her gold pantsuit.

Jesus, what a bullshit article.
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LOL I like the picture of her sitting at a desk doing nothing.
LOL I like the picture of her sitting at a desk doing nothing.

Aren't they hilarious?!

They want us to believe she just goes about her day in a $5000 gold pantsuit, reading fan mail and watching CNN while STANDING.

Did she chose gold because it hides the stains of incontinence?
The obsession with what Hillary says or does on the left is matched by the obsession with what Hillary says or does on the right. Ignore the b... You essentially keep her relevant with hate. Indifference and ignoring will fade her away.

My further thoughts on the subject: I couldn't care less about what Hillary says or does
I think I am going to save this article to read the entire article the next time I have insomnia.

I love the picture of her going through fan mail in her gold pantsuit.

Jesus, what a bullshit article.
No doubt...but many duped Americans will eat it up.
The obsession with what Hillary says or does on the left is matched by the obsession with what Hillary says or does on the right. Ignore the b... You essentially keep her relevant with hate. Indifference and ignoring will fade her away.

My further thoughts on the subject: I couldn't care less about what Hillary says or does
I agree. She is pointless and the pointless ought to be ignored. Trouble is, she won't go away! Therefore, let's make fun of her....there's plenty of material, after all.
I love making fun of that evil bitch and I will continue to lampoon her until one of us assumes room temperature. Probably me first...COUGHSETHRICHCOUGH
I love making fun of that evil bitch and I will continue to lampoon her until one of us assumes room temperature. Probably me first...COUGHSETHRICHCOUGH
I get it, but I think we give her more power by noticing her than she actually has. We pat ourselves on the back and say "Boy we really pilloried Hillary in that thread." That and a dime will get you a piece of bubble gum. It is, to me, a useless pastime. Like video games.
She relates to the underclass....can't you just see it?

She is the champion of the poor. She is altruism personified. She cares about herself last and the nation first. She is America's mom.

Her husband has landed more semen on interns than anywhere near Hillary.
The obsession with what Hillary says or does on the left is matched by the obsession with what Hillary says or does on the right. Ignore the b... You essentially keep her relevant with hate. Indifference and ignoring will fade her away.

My further thoughts on the subject: I couldn't care less about what Hillary says or does
I agree. She is pointless and the pointless ought to be ignored. Trouble is, she won't go away! Therefore, let's make fun of her....there's plenty of material, after all.

Exactly, if she will continue to be on the cover of magazines, she will continue to be talked about
The obsession with what Hillary says or does on the left is matched by the obsession with what Hillary says or does on the right. Ignore the b... You essentially keep her relevant with hate. Indifference and ignoring will fade her away.

My further thoughts on the subject: I couldn't care less about what Hillary says or does
I agree. She is pointless and the pointless ought to be ignored. Trouble is, she won't go away! Therefore, let's make fun of her....there's plenty of material, after all.

Exactly, if she will continue to be on the cover of magazines, she will continue to be talked about
Unless you have the strength of purpose not to talk about her, of course.

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