Sunday UN funded migrant invasion brings US broder to verge of collapse ice reports


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Sunday Red Alert! UN-Funded Migrant Invasion Brings US Border To Verge Of Collapse, ICE Reports
Alex Jones breaks down ICE’s warning to America that its resources are beyond capacity and the southern border is at the brink of collapse ahead of massive UN-backed caravans currently traveling up through Mexico. President Trump has vowed to shut down the border if necessary should the situation reach a tipping point.

If you don't or can't bother to listen than you will never know how you chose to destoryAmerica without ever knowinng thats' exactly what you've done. Gawd help the stooges who have kids who still arent inn their twenties yet. Your gonna know how well you fkd your kids when it all comes crashing down.

TWENTY + years of warnnign you stupid asses with no brains.

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