Sunday Matinee: Alex Jones 2009 film the Obama Deception


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In 2009, Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States ā€” and that was the globalistsā€™ plan all along.

Ten years ago, we brought you ā€œThe Obama Deceptionā€ to outline the next steps of the elitesā€™ plot to destroy America from within.

In this special LIVE Sunday Matinee, find out how the Obama phenomenon was a hoax carefully crafted by the New World Order, pushed as a savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global tyranny.

Obamaā€™s election was a critical juncture in the New World Orderā€™s plans. Itā€™s not about Left or Right: itā€™s about a One World Government.

In this critical time when the globalist forces are gunning to take down President Trump, cut through all

SUNDAY MATINEE: Alex Jonesā€™ 2009 Film ā€˜The Obama Deceptionā€™

And if sheep bothered they might actually learn how the system fkd them over and generations before and after but the stupid don't bother nor listen.

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