Sunday bombshell: Pool For Deportation Up To 1 million Illegals Who Have Already Had Due Process


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Sunday bombshell: Pool For Deportation Up To 1 million Illegals Who Have Already Had Due Process
07/08/2019 ~ By Thomas Lifson
Sunday morning's network talking head shows yielded one eye-popping statement. "They're ready to just perform their mission, which is to go and find and detain and then deport the approximately one million people who have final removal orders," Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli said on "Face the Nation" on Sunday, referring to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) branch charged with removal operations. Cuccinelli, an immigration hardliner who took the helm of the agency last month, said it is within ICE's discretion to determine who among those with final orders of deportation will be targeted in operations, suggesting the full pool of approximately one million immigrants might not face deportation after all.
"They've been all the way through the due process and have final removal orders. Who among those will be targeted for this particular effort ... is really just information kept within ICE at this point," he added. "The pool of those with final removal orders is enormous."


Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have been crowing , “No one is above the law” Unless of course you are one of their pet ‘victims’. Let the law take it's natural course. I'm sure that the PMS/DSA Commies will shop around for a judge bought and sympathetic to he Left and try and stay the move announced by Ken Cuccinelli and it will go up to SCOTUS for more delays.
Americans have been waiting and waiting for trump to fulfill just ONE of his campaign promises on ILLEGAL invaders that he made to us all Both the Senate and Congress have thwarted the moves Trumps has made from building the wall, to housing the illegals at the border to deportation.
Unfortunately the left views these illegals as there voting power base and will fight tooth and nail to stop President Trump from applying Constitutional Law. As Mark Levin recently commented, if these illegal aliens were future Republican voters, PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists would have snipers stationed every 100 ft. on top of a 50 ft. wall from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
These are individuals who no longer have any legal basis to remain in the country. Why is this news? I'll tell you why. Before Donald Trump, both Republican and Democratic Presidents turned a blind eye to the massive disregard for enforcing our immigration laws. The buck stops here, they have to go.
I agree. Boot em back to Mexico. No reason for them to still be in our country.

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