Summer of Resistance.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
Fiber always helps with the resistance issues Dems are having with last November's election.
They are going to get their ass's beat
This shit will continue until they get humiliated in the 2018 elections, where they stand to lose even more seats. That's why they're shooting for the equivalent of the "fly". Unless they create some ginned up fake controversy that can lead to Trump's impeachment, 2018 will be another knockout blow to the Dems. And that's why the Democrats and their puppets in the media sound crazy most of the time.
They are going to cause so much civil unrest, that it will be war in the streets and killing will be legal
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.
The Spring of The Reflatulence doesn't bode well for the silly irrelevant gimps; The Big Giant Rally For Criminal Illegal Aliens that was supposed to bring in 'millions' of marchers to Dallas was a Big Giant Bust, with only a few hundred showing up. There's a reason the Democrats have to run ads on Craig's List and other sites to hire 'activists'; they really aren't the big important mob their media keeps trying to convince us all they are.
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.

Yeah, you and the other two gimps keep telling yourselves that, and keep passing the bong.
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.

Yeah, you and the other two gimps keep telling yourselves that, and keep passing the bong.
get your snow gear ready.
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.
...same avalanche that was supposed to come last November 8?! The same people are now running around like chicken with their heads cut off, hollering "impeach! impeach!" :lmao:
I'll get my flea spray and deodorant spray ready. Have you three Big Giant Activists in your little tree house 'safe space' decided on your little club's hair colors yet?
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.
...same avalanche that was supposed to come last November 8?! The same people are now running around like chicken with their heads cut off, hollering "impeach! impeach!" :lmao:
we are quickly reaching that goal. Actually, much more progress there than on the trump agenda.
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.
...same avalanche that was supposed to come last November 8?! The same people are now running around like chicken with their heads cut off, hollering "impeach! impeach!" :lmao:
we are quickly reaching that goal. Actually, much more progress there than on the trump agenda.
What goal is that? Not a scintilla of evidence yet. Just a bunch of Democrats braying like donkeys.
The Spring of The Reflatulence doesn't bode well for the silly irrelevant gimps; The Big Giant Rally For Criminal Illegal Aliens that was supposed to bring in 'millions' of marchers to Dallas was a Big Giant Bust, with only a few hundred showing up. There's a reason the Democrats have to run ads on Craig's List and other sites to hire 'activists'; they really aren't the big important mob their media keeps trying to convince us all they are.
president Trump needs to resurrect his "Law and Order" mantra. People are tired of the civil unrest and see that Soros and the MSM are behind it. #repealFOTP
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.

More ran than flocked. That's why Trump is our president.
But you are right, an avalanche is coming. You'll sell this country and it's freedom to the UN in a heart beat when your turn comes. We need to enjoy what's left of this nation before you destroy it in a generation or two. By the time you realize and regret what you have done, it will be too late.
I'm always impressed when I see a lefty displaying optimism.
It must be quite a feat in the aftermath of such a savage beating.
Such bravado!
They are going to cause so much civil unrest, that it will be war in the streets and killing will be legal
:lol: The RussianWrs will talk
He who has the guns will have the last laugh
Gun owner for over 60 years. And definately a liberal. dd214 says Honorable, and consider the oath I took to defend this nation from enemies, external and internal, still to be in effect. And people that believe that Putin is the ideal leader and that beating up reporters for asking a valid question are internal enemies to this nation.

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