Summary of House Republicans’ Latest Obamacare Legislation


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
From the Texas Public Policy Foundation:

• This plan fails to repeal most of the costly mandates and insurance regulations driving up premiums and deductibles

• This plan replaces Obamacare’s subsidy scheme with a new costly federal entitlement in the form of a refundable tax credit

• This plan leaves significant portions of the flawed and costly Medicaid expansion intact by delaying the freeze on Medicaid enrollment, maintaining the expansion of the program to the able-bodied, and providing a pathway for non-expansion states to accept enhanced federal dollars.

Other than that, looks like a nice pile of shit.

Time for Trump to get the asses of Congress in his office and grab some ears for head knocking.

Step 1: Tell them the Bill must force Congress to comply with the same law the rest of us do.
Step 2: Allow Americans to buy insurance from any certified insurance company they want.
Step 3: Roll back insurance regulations to what they were in the 1970's. 55 year old men do not need pregnancy coverage.
Step 4: Offer catastrophic insurance with high premiums for those that do not feel the need to buy insurance or can't afford it.
Step 5: Get the Federal government out of the healthcare insurance industry and turn it over to States where it belongs.
Why would he do that? He has already shown support for it.
Watching LyinRyan and the rest of them now. They are LYING.

A lot of people are going to die.
OP and other RWNJ traitors don't care but this "plan" will help the well off and harm the poor.

They just said it - "a big fat tax break for the rich".

Just like everything else the Rs do.
Why would he do that? He has already shown support for it.
If he does, he and the party are toast. Hello Tea Party.
no he did
Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast!
10 hours ago · Twitter
Sad if true.

It's true. That is from Trump's official Twitter account.
If the GOP want to fix the mess then dust off the Nixon\Kennedy plan and pass it.

What is being offer is just a pile of shit like you wrote and Trump has thumb up this pile of shit!
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Why would he do that? He has already shown support for it.
If he does, he and the party are toast. Hello Tea Party.

RWNJs are sheep. You will love whatever you are told to love - especially if it harms the poor, children, vets, handicapped, women ...........................
You left out killing kittens.

Every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten. Please leave masturbation out of this.

What I wrote is true. If its not a fetus, you RWNJs want to see it destroyed.
If the GOP want to fix the mess then dust off the Nixon\Kennedy plan and pass it.

What is being offer is just a pile of shot like you wrote and Trump has thumb up this pile of shit!

drumpf has no clue about this, or any other, issue. He's just doing what he thinks his rabid RWNJ base wants.

Just like he repeats the lie that ObamaCare is collapsing. The biggest problems it has have been caused by the Rs. Yes, it needs work, but it should not be repealed.

Just like Medicare, if the problems are fixed, it will work quite well for the majority of people. And THAT is why Rs and RWNJs are against it.
ObamaCare/MediCaid/MediCare/VA such tangled mess............maybe this is a first step to unwind some of it?

Why is the GOVT in healthcare? Almost anything GOVT gets into ends up a disaster.
If the GOP want to fix the mess then dust off the Nixon\Kennedy plan and pass it.

What is being offer is just a pile of shot like you wrote and Trump has thumb up this pile of shit!

Actually, that was at the point when this problem started, or when the government intrusion was the least onerous. Before that, things ran pretty smooth. Folks just accepted their lot in life and didn't believe health care was a "civil right" guaranteed by the government.

If the GOP want to fix the mess then dust off the Nixon\Kennedy plan and pass it.

What is being offer is just a pile of shot like you wrote and Trump has thumb up this pile of shit!

Actually, that was at the point when this problem started, or when the government intrusion was the least onerous. Before that, things ran pretty smooth. Folks just accepted their lot in life and didn't believe health care was a "civil right" guaranteed by the government.

I just say if they're going to pass some type of one size fits all then pass the Nixon\Kennedy plan and be done with it.

Personally it is the responsibility of the individual to insure themself or find a job that will provide them the insurance to cover them.

Let states tax according to their state population if they want Universal Healthcare and keep it out of the Federal government hands!
If the GOP want to fix the mess then dust off the Nixon\Kennedy plan and pass it.

What is being offer is just a pile of shot like you wrote and Trump has thumb up this pile of shit!

Actually, that was at the point when this problem started, or when the government intrusion was the least onerous. Before that, things ran pretty smooth. Folks just accepted their lot in life and didn't believe health care was a "civil right" guaranteed by the government.

I just say if they're going to pass some type of one size fits all then pass the Nixon\Kennedy plan and be done with it.

Personally it is the responsibility of the individual to insure themself or find a job that will provide them the insurance to cover them.

Let states tax according to their state population if they want Universal Healthcare and keep it out of the Federal government hands!


The Democrats, the Republicans, the Occupy folks, the Tea Party, progressives, libertarians, it doesn't matter.

They all want to find a solution to Health care costs. To the costs of Higher Education. To this rising cost or that rising cost. . . etc.

While for the poor and middle classes . . . wages remain stagnant.

Meanwhile, all the MSM issues are a distractions. The currency continues to be debased, year after year, and purchasing power erodes as the government, corporate, and personal debt grows.

There was a time in the 80's when every person understood the link between the value of the dollar and the size of the government's debt.

Now, everyone just asks for more government handouts rather than a solution. Mostly b/c none of them know what is going on.

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