Suckers of The World United - Please Please It's Too Much Winning

Are you tired of winning - Trump style?

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VIP Member
Jun 7, 2018
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Suckers of The World United - Please Please It's Too Much Winning
Mumbo Jumbo Economics

The Trump Tax Cuts! I'm so tired of winning . Please stop Mr. President. We can't afford anymore of this winning.

"Big promises about soaring investment and wages, and also assured everyone that it would pay for itself!"
But none of that has happened.

"The tax cut has caused corporations to bring some money home, but they’ve used it for stock buybacks rather than to raise wages..."
- Lie because: "No money has, in fact, been brought home."

Let me explain each point in turn.

First, when people say that U.S. corporations have “brought money home” they’re referring to dividends overseas subsidiaries have paid to their parent corporations. These did indeed surge briefly in 2018, as the tax law made it advantageous to transfer some assets from the books of those subsidiaries to the home companies; these transactions also showed up as a reduction in the measured stake of the parents in the subsidiaries, i.e., as negative direct investment


(Figure 1 ) - Bureau of Economic Analysis

But these transactions are simply rearrangements of companies’ books for tax purposes; they don’t necessarily correspond to anything real. Suppose that Multinational Megacorp USA decides to have its subsidiary, Multinational Mega Ireland, transfer some assets to the home company. This will produce the kind of simultaneous and opposite movement in dividends and direct investment you see in Figure 1. But the company’s overall balance sheet – which always included the assets of MM Ireland – hasn’t changed at all. No real resources have been transferred; MM USA has neither gained nor lost the ability to invest here.

Bu what caught my attention was this:

So the tax cut induced some accounting maneuvers, but did nothing to promote capital flows to America.

The tax cut did, however, have one important international effect: We’re now paying more money to foreigners.

I started asking myself: In the wider world outside of political and ideological bubbles in the USA, are we being laughed at as much as Trump himself is being laughed at? I mean he's used to being a joke.

And will we become a second rate economic and financial power because of Trump? Will we follow Britian's BREXIT insanity, as we know Trump thought the BREXIT was a great thing

When the bill comes due for the tax cuts, what will the Trump voted be told is the reason why he/she will have to pay for it?
Opinion | The Trump Tax Cut: Even Worse Than You’ve Heard "The tax cut did, however, have one important international effect: We’re now paying more money to foreigners." - PK

and remember QAnon? As far back as August 2018 -- Ancient History in Nitwit Tweeting Trump World

"Trump Fans Are Suckers and QAnon Is Perfect for Them"

"And aggrieved, and paranoid, and thrilled to have “An Answer” that explains everything about the world they hate and tells them Trump is great and they’re pretty good, too." - Rick Wilson
a stupid piece of shit fascist cocksucker said:
It sure was better than this crap now!

How do pieces of shit like that survive childhood without falling off something or wandering in front of a truck? Creatures this stupid are supposed to be eaten by predators.

Now they're the predators.

People need to get rid of the idea of good paying jobs and either learn to ask if you want a large fry or learn how to fill out welfare forms properly.
When the bill comes due for the tax cuts, what will the Trump voted be told is the reason why he/she will have to pay for it?
Yes. if we could only go back to Obama-era stagnation.

is that a FOX News talking point?

All the charts I see had things improving and then comes Hop Along Trumppity
People were fast food.
what? Did all the fast food places loose all their workers all of a sudden?

Why do people like you consistently put down hard working Americans? Why denigrate the work they do?
When the bill comes due for the tax cuts, what will the Trump voted be told is the reason why he/she will have to pay for it?
Yes. if we could only go back to Obama-era stagnation.
It sure was better than this crap now!
Trump hasn't cut your free stuf even with effective 0 unemployment, so what are you whining about?
Work was more plentiful before and paid better. Tax cuts have not made it easier for anyone to buy food or gasoline. I do not get free stuff.
a stupid piece of shit fascist cocksucker said:
It sure was better than this crap now!

How do pieces of shit like that survive childhood without falling off something or wandering in front of a truck? Creatures this stupid are supposed to be eaten by predators.

Now they're the predators.

You are a sad excuse for a human.
When the bill comes due for the tax cuts, what will the Trump voted be told is the reason why he/she will have to pay for it?
Yes. if we could only go back to Obama-era stagnation.
It sure was better than this crap now!
Trump hasn't cut your free stuf even with effective 0 unemployment, so what are you whining about?
Work was more plentiful before and paid better. Tax cuts have not made it easier for anyone to buy food or gasoline. I do not get free stuff.
No, of course you don't get free stuff. You are one of those too proud, I'm sure. Doubtless to proud to get a job to make other people rich too.

You are a sad excuse for a human.

At least I'm a human, you're a diseased piece of shit infested with parasitic worm larvae.

I can prove it mathematically...


Never mind, you prove it with every post you make.


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