Subway fires employee after he exposes their theft of his labor

This is capitalism for ya folks. Obvious theft of labor. Then gets fired for speaking out how hard it is to make ends meet.
He was working too many hours, which leaves his wife and three children a widow and orphans.
The job was bad and he should have moved onto a job that pays a lot more than $11.50 which is slavery in a sense. For that miserable wage one shouldn't work so hard. A rotten job to say the least. No way to live.
Oh, it's not a subway, it's a Subway sandwich shop. Anybody who would work 16 hours every day for not much more than minimum wage needs to get a better job. Walmart is hiring.
Yes, I know Daws. But at least he IS or rather...was...WORKING instead of sitting on his ass.

Subway needs to fix this. They don't need the bad publicity after the Fogel episode.
My son and most of his friends have jobs with very low pay. These jobs are not supposed to be taken by grownups who are responsible for a household ad children. They are meant for young people to grab the lowest rung of the career ladder and you climb up from there.
So, the story is, some guy has a wife and three kids, but to pay for that he has to work 80 hours a week because he's not educated enough to get a better paying job.

So why did he have so many kids then? His choice. His problem.

Also he was stupid enough to accept things that weren't very good, again, his fault.
So, the story is, some guy has a wife and three kids, but to pay for that he has to work 80 hours a week because he's not educated enough to get a better paying job.

So why did he have so many kids then? His choice. His problem.

Also he was stupid enough to accept things that weren't very good, again, his fault.
^ republitard.
So, the story is, some guy has a wife and three kids, but to pay for that he has to work 80 hours a week because he's not educated enough to get a better paying job.

So why did he have so many kids then? His choice. His problem.

Also he was stupid enough to accept things that weren't very good, again, his fault.
yep. Seems like it should be a no brainer.
Get a substantial job then have kids.
Maury povitch can't take care of them all.
So, the story is, some guy has a wife and three kids, but to pay for that he has to work 80 hours a week because he's not educated enough to get a better paying job.

So why did he have so many kids then? His choice. His problem.

Also he was stupid enough to accept things that weren't very good, again, his fault.
^ republitard.
Subway fires 80-hour-a-week worker from 1 job after Oregonian story
Pieces of shit. I hope he fucking sues. Good thing is gofundme has raised 11,500$ of 12,000$ whoever set it up is trying to get for his family.

Where is the theft of labor? He was working for two different companies, that while owned by the same guy and from the same franchise, were the equivalent of two jobs.

Still a bad move by the owner of the franchises, but I don't see the theft here. He wasn't being forced to work overtime.
Subway fires 80-hour-a-week worker from 1 job after Oregonian story
Pieces of shit. I hope he fucking sues. Good thing is gofundme has raised 11,500$ of 12,000$ whoever set it up is trying to get for his family.

So Subway looked at the Jared catastrophe and thought "how can we keep our now soiled name right in front of the public for a lot longer and make them hate us even more".

Now there are some board executives with their thinking caps on.

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