Study: the only place on earth more surveilled than London is communist China


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A new study by research website Comparitech has found that London is the 6th most surveilled city on the planet, with the top five cities all being in Communist China.
Study: The Only Place On Earth More Surveilled Than London Is Communist China

the best part is all you dumb asses begged for this over your fear of bs fed to you by your leader assholes known as Bush and Obama those two took this Country and stripped it of every gawd dam thing we knew as being great for this Country.

911 began the day the democrats would turn into this biggest gawd dam fkn liars, thieves, criminals of the world most fkd up nations. Demorats began the stripping of our rights based on all those fears.

Why you dumb fks approve of LEGAL MOLESTATION done to you and your kids and it's all ok because it KEEPS YOU SAVE LMFAO!! YOU REALLY ARE THE DUMBEST FKRS ON THE PLANET!!

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