Study links diet soda to storkes, death


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A study of more than 80,000 women ages 50 to 79 links drinking two or more diet drinks a day with an

Study Links Diet Soda to Strokes, Death

We warned of this years ago but hey keep thinking it's a conspiracy tards.
In fact go buy six cases o this shit and drink it all up, then go get those vaccines too..

In fact you pretty much cann't buy chewing gum with out this shit in it read it the next time you are board at the check out isle waiting for your turn. It's killing you all dumb asses.
If you want to die early, drink soda.

Or, you can believe the advertising...Put Perfect on Ice...

It’s been well known for some time that diet soda causes cancer
Note the word -may- not does.

Correlation does not imply causation
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I drink 2 to 4 liters of diet soda a day have for years still no stroke or heart attack here.
If I have drank more than one can of soda in the past 30 years, that would surprise me. However, you have every right to consume the shit.
I've been drinking it for decades ... least efficient suicide method EVAH!
I am not going to listen to NO studies anymore.

Heck ....I am trying not to go to the doctor too much (do not trust them) apart from the absolute necessary....I have had it with with all these stupid suggestions ... "this is good for you this is not good for you this might be harmful for you this might be so great for you! "ENOUGH!

No more.

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