Study: Dems only realize Socialism Sucks 24 weeks After Country Goes Broke


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Watching the Greek meltdown, it's obvious that Democrats only feel the pain of Socialism 24 weeks after it bring their country down.

Conservatives, Libertarians and right-wingers know how truly fucked Socialism is from conception.

Moderate are still trying to decide if they want bacon or ham with their Denny's Grand Slam breakfast
Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.
Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.

Not gonna happen, Dems don't feel the pain until way after its too late. Even after Greece melted down they're tap dancing that Biden and Obama are now in control of the American banks

In any event, they'll blame Boooooooosh
For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and

Germany's universal health care system is one of the oldest in the world and predates the rise of the Nazis by about half a century.
For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and

Germany's universal health care system is one of the oldest in the world and predates the rise of the Nazis by about half a century.

That's where Obama HealthCare Maven Ezekiel Emanuel first studies Eugenics
For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and

Germany's universal health care system is one of the oldest in the world and predates the rise of the Nazis by about half a century.

That's where Obama HealthCare Maven Ezekiel Emanuel first studies Eugenics

Yep, another dirty secret of liberalism is eugenics. They'll never acknowledge that their icons, Marx, Shaw, etc, bought into the evil that is eugenics.

But they'll deny even stronger the push the Nazi party made for total control over German's healthcare, and their strong link to the green movement. Here is a fantastic link discussing the Nazi's green movement:

Fascist Ecology: The "Green Wing" of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents (a must read!)

It goes into how the Nazi's wanted people to find a connection with humanity and nature, through a green movement push, and stressing that humanity without a link to nature leads to destruction of people. From their they wanted to push for human purity through the nature connection and mysticism, and of course, we all know what happened when the terms of that purity were put into practice on those deemed "unpure".

But, hey, liberals are smarter than us. I'm sure history never repeats itself.
For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and

Germany's universal health care system is one of the oldest in the world and predates the rise of the Nazis by about half a century.

Yes, that is true. Nothing happens overnight. And the Nazi's wanted to take even more control, total control, over that healthcare. The rise of the Nazi party was an event that was decades in the making. Not just 1937-1941.

That is the reason many on the right fear the slow slide towards those same human mistakes. Our actions today can lead to circumstances that 40 years from now could repeat the greatest evils the world has ever known. And the rise of the Nazi party was indeed strongly rooted in the ideals of total gov't control of healthcare, and an intense push towards the pure, green movement.
Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.

Look at Manamde Global Warming, it ways always suspect to being with then in November it's outed a a huge scam and Obama and the Dems carry on like An Inconvenient Truth is one of Newton's Laws!

It takes years to breed a population that detached from common sense!
What ever makes you think the US is going broke Frankie?

We are the wealthiest country in the fact, we are $12 trillion richer than when Bush left office
What ever makes you think the US is going broke Frankie?

We are the wealthiest country in the fact, we are $12 trillion richer than when Bush left office

How are them Social programs holding up, Sparky? Are Social Security and Medicare $12 trillion richer?

Like I said, even after Greece goes bust Democrats still don't get it.
Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.

The Nazis also promoted non-smoking, cleaned water supplies, removed lead and mercury from products, and built the Autobahn.

Dear god! We've got highways, non-smoking laws, clean water and a distinct lack of dangerous chemicals in our products! We're practically Nazis already!
Why is it these people are too stupid to realise democrats are not socialists?
Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.
So we are to assume that universal healthcare will lead to Nazism? If you haven't notice, most of the world has some form of universal healthcare and has for many years. Socialism in Germany was a byproduct of Nazism, not the reverse.

To condemn socialism or capitalism is ridiculous. Both must exist in a nation or the nation will cease to exist. In the USSR we saw the result of the loss of free markets. In Africa, a number of nations have fallen because of inadequate social programs and the failure of free markets.
Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.
So we are to assume that universal healthcare will lead to Nazism? If you haven't notice, most of the world has some form of universal healthcare and has for many years. Socialism in Germany was a byproduct of Nazism, not the reverse.

To condemn socialism or capitalism is ridiculous. Both must exist in a nation or the nation will cease to exist. In the USSR we saw the result of the loss of free markets. In Africa, a number of nations have fallen because of inadequate social programs and the failure of free markets.

And yet anytime some rich and powerful foreigner gets sick, where do they go? Cuba? Mexico? Canada? Nope!

Even that fat fucking boil Teddy Kennedy who spent his whole miserable life tearing down this country kept his fat fucking ass right here all the while telling everybody how much our system sucked and it was 38th best in the world or whatever fucking lie he was spewing at the time
Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.
So we are to assume that universal healthcare will lead to Nazism? If you haven't notice, most of the world has some form of universal healthcare and has for many years. Socialism in Germany was a byproduct of Nazism, not the reverse.

To condemn socialism or capitalism is ridiculous. Both must exist in a nation or the nation will cease to exist. In the USSR we saw the result of the loss of free markets. In Africa, a number of nations have fallen because of inadequate social programs and the failure of free markets.

And yet anytime some rich and powerful foreigner gets sick, where do they go? Cuba? Mexico? Canada? Nope!

Even that fat fucking boil Teddy Kennedy who spent his whole miserable life tearing down this country kept his fat fucking ass right here all the while telling everybody how much our system sucked and it was 38th best in the world or whatever fucking lie he was spewing at the time
Most people, whether they are rich or poor seek medical care in their own country. You can find many a celebrity who has gone to Switzerland, Germany, and Mexico for medical care. There are fine doctors and hospitals throughout the world.

The big issue is that about 46 million people in this country can not afford to go those doctors because they have no insurance. Obama's healthcare plan doesn't even qualify as socialized medicine. It's just a start in that direction. A real universal healthcare system is yet to come. Obama's plan is not going to do enough to control cost. If you thing Obama's plan is really socialist, you ain't seen nothing.
A real universal healthcare system is yet to come.

No, it's not. Socialized medicine is bankrupting pretty much every nation that has one. So, no. We won't be getting it here soon either. We'll be be too busy paying back our debts and protecting our borders and trying to figure out ways to keep the lights on in about 24 months. Then the conductor will announce "All Change. End of the Line. All Change."
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Most people knew socialism sucked around 1942, amidst the blitzkreig and genocide of the most famous of socialists, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZIS).

One day, Obama and the left will join the crowd that doesn't want us creeping towards more socialism and it's eventual ruin.

For you folks who aren't history buffs, let me fill you in on a little history. 2 of the NAZI party's first initiatives were 1) Univeral Healthcare for Germany, and 2) Getting the masses to join the brownshirts ideals of the green movement (no, you won't hear that on MSNBC or a college campus, gotta read up.) Universal healthcare, green movement. Sound familiar?

Socialism leads to evil. The free market leads to some people failing and falling through the cracks. Pick your poison.

The Nazis also promoted non-smoking, cleaned water supplies, removed lead and mercury from products, and built the Autobahn.

Dear god! We've got highways, non-smoking laws, clean water and a distinct lack of dangerous chemicals in our products! We're practically Nazis already!

Woz defending the Nazis... Wow that is brazen.
No, it's not. Socialized medicine is bankrupting pretty much every nation that has one. So, no. We won't be getting it here soon either.

Could you find me a list of nations that spend a greater percentage of their national income on heath care than the U.S.? Nevermind, I'll post the list in its entirety:

East Timor.
No, it's not. Socialized medicine is bankrupting pretty much every nation that has one. So, no. We won't be getting it here soon either.

Could you find me a list of nations that spend a greater percentage of their national income on heath care than the U.S.? Nevermind, I'll post the list in its entirety:

East Timor.
Never said our current government interfered with system is good. But Greece is being told by the IMF to privatize healthcare. And you can expect Spain, Portugal, Ireland and many other countries as they fail to have to shut down the dole. I think Germany is the only county who may get in front of this before it's too late. But that's hoping a lot for them. Canada, particularly in Saskatchewan has an unofficial 'don't get sick after September stance because they start shutting down operating theaters and shipping urgent cases to the US. Gonna suck when we start shipping ours north... if we can even afford to do that.

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