Study: 100,000 Hispanics Left Arizona After SB1070


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
MEXICO CITY -- A new study suggests there may be 100,000 fewer Hispanics in Arizona than there were before the debate over the state's tough new immigration law earlier this year.

BBVA Bancomer Research, which did the study, worked with figures from the U.S. Current Population Survey. The study says the decline could be due to the law known as SB1070, which partly entered into effect in July, or to Arizona's difficult economic situation.

The study released Wednesday also cites Mexican government figures as saying that 23,380 Mexicans returned from Arizona to Mexico between June and September.

U.S. census figures from 2008 say about 30 percent of people living in Arizona are Hispanic, or about 1.9 million.

The state is appealing a ruling that put on hold parts of the law, which would have allowed police to question the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country illegally.

Buried in Debt Immigrants are heavily employed in Arizona's construction industry, which has suffered -- along with the rest of the state's economy -- in the economic downturn.

Study: 100,000 Hispanics Left Arizona After SB1070 -
Bunch of `em musta migrated to Oklahoma...
Hispanics now outnumber Native Americans in Oklahoma
Feb 15, 2011 - -A state that has been considered the heart of the nation's Indian Country since the Trail of Tears nearly two centuries ago now has more residents who identify themselves as Hispanic than Native American, according to figures released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.
While Oklahoma is likely to maintain the nation's largest per capita population of Native Americans, their numbers are shrinking and the Hispanic population is booming. Over the past decade, the number of Hispanics has nearly doubled from 179,304 in 2000 to 332,007 in 2010. Hispanics now account for 9 percent of the state's 3.75 million residents, compared to 8.5 percent for Native Americans.

"I'm surprised," said former House Speaker Larry Adair, chairman of the Cherokee Nation Gaming Commission. "I didn't realize we had that number of Hispanic people in Oklahoma." Oklahoma's history has been linked to Native Americans decades before it gained statehood in 1907. It is home to dozens of sovereign tribes, many forced from their homes along the Trail of Tears in the 1830s. It's also the birthplace of iconic cowboy and humorist Will Rogers, a member of a prominent Cherokee Nation family who was born in Indian Territory that later became the state.

While the 85 percent population spike has allowed Hispanics to become the state's largest minority, the Native American population dropped from 391,949 in 2000 (11.4 percent of all Oklahoma residents) to 321,687 in 2010. Adair said it just proves Oklahoma continues to be a "melting pot." In the far western Oklahoma Panhandle, Hispanics drawn to the region by swine farms and other concentrated animal feeding operations comprise 36 percent of the population, according to the census figures.

More than 17 percent of the 580,000 residents of Oklahoma City, the state's largest city, now identify themselves as being of Hispanic descent while in Tulsa, the state's second largest city, 14 percent of its 392,000 residents say they are Hispanic. Lawton and Enid also recorded significant concentrations of Hispanic residents. State lawmakers said the substantial increase in Hispanic residents, especially in south Oklahoma City, make it more likely than ever that they will be able draw new legislative voting districts with Hispanic majorities although proponents of anti-illegal immigration legislation may voice opposition.

MEXICO CITY -- A new study suggests there may be 100,000 fewer Hispanics in Arizona than there were before the debate over the state's tough new immigration law earlier this year.

BBVA Bancomer Research, which did the study, worked with figures from the U.S. Current Population Survey. The study says the decline could be due to the law known as SB1070, which partly entered into effect in July, or to Arizona's difficult economic situation.

The study released Wednesday also cites Mexican government figures as saying that 23,380 Mexicans returned from Arizona to Mexico between June and September.

U.S. census figures from 2008 say about 30 percent of people living in Arizona are Hispanic, or about 1.9 million.

The state is appealing a ruling that put on hold parts of the law, which would have allowed police to question the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country illegally.

Buried in Debt Immigrants are heavily employed in Arizona's construction industry, which has suffered -- along with the rest of the state's economy -- in the economic downturn.

Study: 100,000 Hispanics Left Arizona After SB1070 -

Yippee! Too bad so many of the came up here, but hey, we give them driver's licenses, why wouldn't they come here?
Probably had more to do with the terrible economy and housing market in Arizona.
Bunch of `em musta migrated to Oklahoma...
Hispanics now outnumber Native Americans in Oklahoma
Feb 15, 2011 - -A state that has been considered the heart of the nation's Indian Country since the Trail of Tears nearly two centuries ago now has more residents who identify themselves as Hispanic than Native American, according to figures released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.
While Oklahoma is likely to maintain the nation's largest per capita population of Native Americans, their numbers are shrinking and the Hispanic population is booming. Over the past decade, the number of Hispanics has nearly doubled from 179,304 in 2000 to 332,007 in 2010. Hispanics now account for 9 percent of the state's 3.75 million residents, compared to 8.5 percent for Native Americans.

"I'm surprised," said former House Speaker Larry Adair, chairman of the Cherokee Nation Gaming Commission. "I didn't realize we had that number of Hispanic people in Oklahoma." Oklahoma's history has been linked to Native Americans decades before it gained statehood in 1907. It is home to dozens of sovereign tribes, many forced from their homes along the Trail of Tears in the 1830s. It's also the birthplace of iconic cowboy and humorist Will Rogers, a member of a prominent Cherokee Nation family who was born in Indian Territory that later became the state.

While the 85 percent population spike has allowed Hispanics to become the state's largest minority, the Native American population dropped from 391,949 in 2000 (11.4 percent of all Oklahoma residents) to 321,687 in 2010. Adair said it just proves Oklahoma continues to be a "melting pot." In the far western Oklahoma Panhandle, Hispanics drawn to the region by swine farms and other concentrated animal feeding operations comprise 36 percent of the population, according to the census figures.

More than 17 percent of the 580,000 residents of Oklahoma City, the state's largest city, now identify themselves as being of Hispanic descent while in Tulsa, the state's second largest city, 14 percent of its 392,000 residents say they are Hispanic. Lawton and Enid also recorded significant concentrations of Hispanic residents. State lawmakers said the substantial increase in Hispanic residents, especially in south Oklahoma City, make it more likely than ever that they will be able draw new legislative voting districts with Hispanic majorities although proponents of anti-illegal immigration legislation may voice opposition.


Really!?! My job has me going out to the South side of Okc constantly and it still looks like a ghost town since we passed HB1804 back in 07... Honestly, as long as they're legal more power to them! We have plenty of room here to grow!

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