Student commits suicide,


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Student commits suicide,
letters reveal worries over immigration status

by Daisy Martinez
Student commits suicide, letters reveal worries over immigration status : News :

Student in the country illegally kills himself because of fear of deportation and failure of the dream act to pass should send a strong messages to parents who bring their children into the country illegally and place a burden of fear on them should be seen as child abuse and parents should be held accountable. His family want to blame Congress for not passing the act but we don’t owe these children an education or legalization. I hope this does not send Congress on a guilt binge and give these people a pass. If a criminal takes a child along to rob a back he or she would surely be charged with child abuse or neglect and held accountable.
Consequesces of the failed dream act? Bull shit. Consequences of their parents bad behavior and criminals acts.
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Student commits suicide,
letters reveal worries over immigration status

by Daisy Martinez
Student commits suicide, letters reveal worries over immigration status : News :

Student in the country illegally kills himself because of fear of deportation and failure of the dream act to pass should send a strong messages to parents who bring their children into the country illegally and place a burden of fear on them should be seen as child abuse and parents should be held accountable. His family want to blame Congress for not passing the act but we don’t owe these children an education or legalization. I hope this does not send Congress on a guilt binge and give these people a pass. If a criminal takes a child along to rob a back he or she would surely be charged with child abuse or neglect and held accountable.
Consequesces of the failed dream act? Bull shit. Consequences of their parents bad behavior and criminals acts.

One student who kills himself out of thousands who don't, will not make Congress pass anything. The pro-illegal orgs and the spanish media will use this as leverage to spew their 'si se puede' rhetoric but it will not do them any good. This student killed himself because he must have had some other problems. Suicide is something where the true reason is never known - only the person who commits it knows. It goes deeper than this.
He would rather die than become an American citizen. His parents would rather their son committed suicide than become an American citizen.

I'm supposed to feel sorry? No.
Big Ol' Bitch is just spewing her racist bullshit again.

And a proud American.:eusa_whistle:
I have been called worse things than a big old racist bitch.
Still a proud American.
My latino friends do not think I am a big old racist bitch. and I don't give a shit how I make you feel.:eusa_whistle:
Stay tuned, ABikerSailor, I am like Nevada weather.
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He would rather die than become an American citizen. His parents would rather their son committed suicide than become an American citizen..

Where did you get that from the story???? :confused:

From the omission. In all the time his family lived here, did they EVER consider citizenship? No. Did this student ever, one time, consider citizenship? No. He could STILL have gone to college, just pay for it. He could have cured the lack of opportunity due to his lack of citizenship by becoming a citizen. It's not good enough. The country is better off without this fool.
Student was from Texas.

Texas allows In State rates for Illegals. He could have gone to school.

I suspect student either was misinformed or killed himself for a different reason that the parents don't wanna' admit.

Or this is just a planted story.
He would rather die than become an American citizen. His parents would rather their son committed suicide than become an American citizen..

Where did you get that from the story???? :confused:

From the omission. In all the time his family lived here, did they EVER consider citizenship? No. Did this student ever, one time, consider citizenship? No. He could STILL have gone to college, just pay for it. He could have cured the lack of opportunity due to his lack of citizenship by becoming a citizen. It's not good enough. The country is better off without this fool.

Isn't the point that the family was here illegally? You don't just stroll up to the ICE offices and apply for citizenship if you are in the country illegally.
He would rather die than become an American citizen. His parents would rather their son committed suicide than become an American citizen..

Where did you get that from the story???? :confused:

From the omission. In all the time his family lived here, did they EVER consider citizenship? No. Did this student ever, one time, consider citizenship? No. He could STILL have gone to college, just pay for it. He could have cured the lack of opportunity due to his lack of citizenship by becoming a citizen. It's not good enough. The country is better off without this fool.

If the family is here illegally, they cannot go into an INS and apply for naturilation, you can only start that process if you are here legally with a green card or visa.
Where did you get that from the story???? :confused:

From the omission. In all the time his family lived here, did they EVER consider citizenship? No. Did this student ever, one time, consider citizenship? No. He could STILL have gone to college, just pay for it. He could have cured the lack of opportunity due to his lack of citizenship by becoming a citizen. It's not good enough. The country is better off without this fool.

Isn't the point that the family was here illegally? You don't just stroll up to the ICE offices and apply for citizenship if you are in the country illegally.

Look, if millions of illegals can appy for "adjustment of status" they can too. They just think that their existance entitles them to something special and it doesn't.
There IS more to this story - but - the pro-illegal orgs and the spanish media took it as a means to fight their misquided cause. As I said, this kid took his own life for other reasons than the ones stated. He was probably smarter than his parents!
From the omission. In all the time his family lived here, did they EVER consider citizenship? No. Did this student ever, one time, consider citizenship? No. He could STILL have gone to college, just pay for it. He could have cured the lack of opportunity due to his lack of citizenship by becoming a citizen. It's not good enough. The country is better off without this fool.

Isn't the point that the family was here illegally? You don't just stroll up to the ICE offices and apply for citizenship if you are in the country illegally.

Look, if millions of illegals can appy for "adjustment of status" they can too. They just think that their existance entitles them to something special and it doesn't.

You are oddly ill-informed and are basing assumptions upon that (not the first time I've noticed you doing that). You're looking a little nutty right now.
He's dead so how nutty does that make him?

He'd rather die than become a citizen. Sokay by me.

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