ST's BP Rantings

do you guys even know what a settlement is? a settlement is virtually always a compromise by BOTH parties. if you want to settle/compromise for 5K now, instead of waiting for possible future monies, what is wrong with that? i have no doubt the letters inform them to seek independent counsel.
What factual evidence causes you to have no doubt?

you guys want to take choices away from people, this is how things should work and it actually streamlines the justice system.

Bitch to Alabama's ultra right wing conservative attorney general about it.

I would assume
it's his first hand knowledge on how legal agreements area made and entered into. I highly doubt, as im sure Yurt would agree, that BPs attorneys would be stupid enough not to tell them to talk to independent counsel.

Well done!
And you know what would solve this problem?

Alternative fuel sources, and environmental legislations

Now, who was it that has been promoting these?

Must have been Sarah Palin and the Tea Party...

...God, that Al Gore is such a "whack job", right?

Drill baby Drill, til you spill, baby spill!

What alternative fuel source do you have to replace fossil fuels?

"Sources", not "source".

Solar, Wind, Nuclear, and Bloom Boxes. Electric Cars powered by charges from these sources sure would help.

Not buying Hummers and big-ass SUV's would also help.

How about the hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet fuel, thousands of man hours and multiple millions of dollars your asshole in chief has blown cruising around in Air Force One for all and any reason no matter how insignificant? Why does he remain in the 20th century? Why doesn't he join the rest of the world in the 21st and start utilizing technology in teleconferencing, why doesn't he stay in D.C. a little bit? I understand, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that beast of a wife either but..........
No doubt they'll be paying substantial sums in compensation in years to come. I fail to see what the hysteria is about - other than left wing hatred of business.

Wow. Just wow. You clearly have no clue what this thread is even about.

I fail to see how being pro-fisherman makes me anti-business. You do realize that commercial fisherman have businesses, too, right? Or do they just not count because they aren't big enough to destroy entire coastlines?

I get it. I just don't have any actual evidence that BP is doing anything underhand. When that actual, factual, hard evidence is provided - and I don't mean some fucking morons on tv - then I'll be concerned about the way BP are operating. Until then, I see no reason to have a hissy fit about the company, it's BP or the British.

BP already admitted they stripped the lawsuit Waiver and for those who already signed it, they won't hold them liable. Close your eyes tighter.
Wow. Just wow. You clearly have no clue what this thread is even about.

I fail to see how being pro-fisherman makes me anti-business. You do realize that commercial fisherman have businesses, too, right? Or do they just not count because they aren't big enough to destroy entire coastlines?

I get it. I just don't have any actual evidence that BP is doing anything underhand. When that actual, factual, hard evidence is provided - and I don't mean some fucking morons on tv - then I'll be concerned about the way BP are operating. Until then, I see no reason to have a hissy fit about the company, it's BP or the British.

BP already admitted they stripped the lawsuit Waiver and for those who already signed it, they won't hold them liable. Close your eyes tighter.

So we are supposed to be upset because they have withdrawn the evil offer to settle out of course because....?
wow. Just wow. You clearly have no clue what this thread is even about.

I fail to see how being pro-fisherman makes me anti-business. You do realize that commercial fisherman have businesses, too, right? Or do they just not count because they aren't big enough to destroy entire coastlines?

i get it. I just don't have any actual evidence that bp is doing anything underhand. When that actual, factual, hard evidence is provided - and i don't mean some fucking morons on tv - then i'll be concerned about the way bp are operating. Until then, i see no reason to have a hissy fit about the company, it's bp or the british.

bp already admitted they stripped the lawsuit waiver and for those who already signed it, they won't hold them liable. Close your eyes tighter.

this would not have happened without the alabama ag breathing down their greedy snotty little necks.
. Yea, I'm sorry for those who are losing their livelihoods...

Uhh, no you aren't.

... and I have no doubt that they will be compensated...
What the heck are you, BP's attorney? Exxon tied up litigation with the Alaska fishermen fucked for 20 years. Why do you think BP would be any different?

Just bear in mind the 29,000 that would be without their jobs if BP were not the company it is, also bear in mind the billions invested in the US by BP.

Why do you assume they'd not be able to find work without BP?

Who the fuck are you to decide whether I am sorry for the fishermen. Just because I prefer to wait and ascertain the FACTS, rather than having an hysterical rant based on media reports, doesn't put me on BPs "side". I just prefer to have facts to go on, not dumbassed suppositions.

Now, I am going to neg you for your fucking moronic comment. Next time, don't assume you know more about what I think than I do, you stupid fucking moron.
I get it. I just don't have any actual evidence that BP is doing anything underhand. When that actual, factual, hard evidence is provided - and I don't mean some fucking morons on tv - then I'll be concerned about the way BP are operating. Until then, I see no reason to have a hissy fit about the company, it's BP or the British.

BP already admitted they stripped the lawsuit Waiver and for those who already signed it, they won't hold them liable. Close your eyes tighter.

So we are supposed to be upset because they have withdrawn the evil offer to settle out of course because....?

You shouldn't be upset over anything, this crisis does not affect you.
Who the fuck are you to decide whether I am sorry for the fishermen. Just because I prefer to wait and ascertain the FACTS, rather than having an hysterical rant based on media reports, doesn't put me on BPs "side". I just prefer to have facts to go on, not dumbassed suppositions.

As I've stated before, its factually true that BP attempted to buyout Alabama fisherman for a pittance. I have no idea why you insist on waiting for facts that we already have.

Now, I am going to neg you for your fucking moronic comment. Next time, don't assume you know more about what I think than I do, you stupid fucking moron.

A bit defensive, aren't we?
What alternative fuel source do you have to replace fossil fuels?

"Sources", not "source".

Solar, Wind, Nuclear, and Bloom Boxes. Electric Cars powered by charges from these sources sure would help.

Not buying Hummers and big-ass SUV's would also help.

How about the hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet fuel, thousands of man hours and multiple millions of dollars your asshole in chief has blown cruising around in Air Force One for all and any reason no matter how insignificant? Why does he remain in the 20th century? Why doesn't he join the rest of the world in the 21st and start utilizing technology in teleconferencing, why doesn't he stay in D.C. a little bit? I understand, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that beast of a wife either but..........

How would you suggest the President of the United States get around?
So you've decided to get offended, because someone else recieved an offer to settle out of court?

Yes. BP is offensive.
Am I the only one who thinks that is one of the stupidest things ever? If the people take the settlement, it's their choice. Maybe it will be a good deal for them. Maybe they can use the 5000 to get a change of career like they've always wanted. Maybe their life hasn't been completely destroyed.

You aren't. Cali Girl shares your utter lack of moral grounding.

What does morality have to do with being offended? Only a fool is offended when no offense is meant. and only an even bigger fool is offended when offense is meant.

So how does BP offering a settlement agreement immoral?

It's immoral on the basis of offering compensation prematurely and hoping the quick 5K would get them out of accepting full responsibility once the damage assessment has been respectfully completely.
So you've decided to get offended, because someone else recieved an offer to settle out of court?

Yes. BP is offensive.
Am I the only one who thinks that is one of the stupidest things ever? If the people take the settlement, it's their choice. Maybe it will be a good deal for them. Maybe they can use the 5000 to get a change of career like they've always wanted. Maybe their life hasn't been completely destroyed.

You aren't. Cali Girl shares your utter lack of moral grounding.

Oh, seriously.... can you be more moronic? My moral grounding is based on having factual evidence before I decide what my opinion is. Unlike you, you drooling moron.
So you've decided to get offended, because someone else recieved an offer to settle out of court?

Yes. BP is offensive.
Am I the only one who thinks that is one of the stupidest things ever? If the people take the settlement, it's their choice. Maybe it will be a good deal for them. Maybe they can use the 5000 to get a change of career like they've always wanted. Maybe their life hasn't been completely destroyed.

You aren't. Cali Girl shares your utter lack of moral grounding.

Oh, seriously.... can you be more moronic? My moral grounding is based on having factual evidence before I decide what my opinion is. Unlike you, you drooling moron.

As I've stated before, its factually true that BP attempted to buyout Alabama fisherman for a pittance. I have no idea why you insist on waiting for facts that we already have.

it was then that the whistleblower, who was hired to oversee the company's databases that housed documents related to its atlantis project, discovered that the drilling platform had been operating without a majority of the engineer-approved documents it needed to run safely, leaving the platform vulnerable to a catastrophic disaster that would far surpass the massive oil spill that began last week following a deadly explosion on a bp-operated drilling rig.

Bp's own internal communications show that company officials were made aware of the issue and feared that the document shortfalls related to atlantis "could lead to catastrophic operator error" and must be addressed.

Indeed, according to an august 15, 2008, email sent to bp officials by barry duff, a member of bp's deepwater gulf of mexico atlantis subsea team, the piping and instrument diagrams (p&ids) for the atlantis subsea components "are not complete" and "there are hundreds if not thousands of subsea documents that have never been finalized, yet the facilities have been" up and running. P&ids documents form the foundation of a hazards analysis bp is required to undertake as part of its safety and environmental management program related to its offshore drilling operations. P&ids drawings provide the schematic details of the project's piping and process flows, valves and safety critical instrumentation.

"the risk in turning over drawings that are not complete are: 1) the operator will assume the drawings are accurate and up to date," the email said. "this could lead to catastrophic operator errors due to their assuming the drawing is correct," said duff's email to bp officials bill naseman and william broman. "turning over incomplete drawings to the operator for their use is a fundamental violation of basic document control, [internal standards] and process safety regulations."

bp did not respond to repeated requests for comment for this story. Despite the claims that bp did not maintain proper documentation related to atlantis, federal regulators authorized an expansion of the drilling project.

last may, mike sawyer, a texas-based engineer who works for apex safety consultants, voluntarily agreed to evaluate bp's atlantis subsea document database and the whistleblower's allegations regarding bp's engineering document shortfall related to atlantis. Sawyer concluded that of the 2,108 p&ids bp maintained that dealt specifically with the subsea components of its atlantis production project, 85 percent did not receive engineer approval.

Even worse, 95 percent of atlantis' subsea welding records did not receive final approval, calling into question the integrity of thousands of crucial welds on subsea components that, if they were to rupture, could result in an oil spill 30 times worse than the one that occurred after the explosion on deepwater horizon last week.

t r u t h o u t | Whistleblower: BP Risks More Massive Catastrophes in Gulf
What about tractor trailor rigs? Pickup trucks? Trains? Buses? Airplanes? All these gonna run on a battery that hasn't been invented yet?

Seems like if you ended fossil fuel technology, you'd have even more bigger problems.

Face the fact that fossil fuel has been the most effective form of fuel for mobilizing the world.

Bloom Boxes for all large machinery. Bloom boxes use 1/2 as much fuel, and can use multiple sources, not just petroleum products.

The few remaining products that "ABSOLUTELY MUST" use oil will use such a relatively small amount of it that we will never need to do deep sea drilling again.

How Does the Bloom Box Energy Server Work? | Fast Company

First off there is no application for these devices to be used on any type of mobile transportation units. Secondly they cost $700,000 to $800,000 dollars. And lastly they still use fossil fuel.
What about tractor trailor rigs? Pickup trucks? Trains? Buses? Airplanes? All these gonna run on a battery that hasn't been invented yet?

Seems like if you ended fossil fuel technology, you'd have even more bigger problems.

Face the fact that fossil fuel has been the most effective form of fuel for mobilizing the world.

Bloom Boxes for all large machinery. Bloom boxes use 1/2 as much fuel, and can use multiple sources, not just petroleum products.

The few remaining products that "ABSOLUTELY MUST" use oil will use such a relatively small amount of it that we will never need to do deep sea drilling again.

How Does the Bloom Box Energy Server Work? | Fast Company

First off there is no application for these devices to be used on any type of mobile transportation units. Secondly they cost $700,000 to $800,000 dollars. And lastly they still use fossil fuel.

from your own link:

  • There are many different types of fuel cells. Some of the more popular ones include methanol fuel cells, hydrogen fuel cells, and zinc-air batteries. The Bloom Energy Server consists of solid oxide fuel cells, which are attractive because they can be made out of low-cost materials with high energy efficiencies.
  • The cells can run on a variety of fuels, including traditional fuel, natural gas, biomass gas, landfill gas, and ethanol.
How certain are you of this?

Would you say you are more or less certain than BP was when it said deep water drilling is safe?

And please explain how its possible that an Earth of finite size can have an infinite amount of oil in it.

I've very certain. And I doubt BP ever said that deep water drilling was or is safe. If they told you that, then they lied, if you believed them, then you're an idiot.

You're assuming 30-40 years from now we will still be relying heavily on oil. With nuclear, coal, bio-fuels, wind, solar and other alternative sources coming into play I would guess that the more these other technologies become viable, the less we'll be dependent on oil.

So in other words - we won't run out of oil, because we're going to stop using it.

Tell me, do you think we should just wait till we're almost out to develop new technologies?

No I doubt we ever stop using oil, but I do believe that the consumption will go down as other fuel sources become viable.

I've already told you, I don't see us ever running out of oil. Perhaps you could explain to me why you think oil will run out and when do you propose this to happen.
"Sources", not "source".

Solar, Wind, Nuclear, and Bloom Boxes. Electric Cars powered by charges from these sources sure would help.

Not buying Hummers and big-ass SUV's would also help.

How about the hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet fuel, thousands of man hours and multiple millions of dollars your asshole in chief has blown cruising around in Air Force One for all and any reason no matter how insignificant? Why does he remain in the 20th century? Why doesn't he join the rest of the world in the 21st and start utilizing technology in teleconferencing, why doesn't he stay in D.C. a little bit? I understand, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that beast of a wife either but..........

How would you suggest the President of the United States get around?

Yes. BP is offensive.

You aren't. Cali Girl shares your utter lack of moral grounding.

Oh, seriously.... can you be more moronic? My moral grounding is based on having factual evidence before I decide what my opinion is. Unlike you, you drooling moron.

As I've stated before, its factually true that BP attempted to buyout Alabama fisherman for a pittance. I have no idea why you insist on waiting for facts that we already have.

Yes, I read about this too.

Oil Slick's Projected Path

A poor sound system muffled BP spokesperson Ruth Rendon's attempts to announce a phone number that those affected by the disaster could call to make a claim for $5,000 or more which, if approved by BP, could be mailed within a week.

But people like Charles Graham, a commercial fisherman, said what he could hear didn't satisfy him.

"Five thousand dollars isn't enough," he said. "What am I going to do at 63 years old?"

Graham said that after Hurricane Katrina, it took more than six months for him to receive any compensation from the government. "Who's gonna pay my truck and boat notes months from now once my credit's ruined? We're not looking for handouts, we just want to keep my crews working."

Rendon also gave a number for people to offer their labor, boats and equipment in the cleanup effort.

That angered Ben Harvard. "They should have called on us in the beginning to help. There's thousands of us already set up and ready to go. These are our waters, we know them. [The booms are] just flotation devices. We could've been putting them out immediately."

His anger was echoed by Maurice Ryan, who operates a bait shop on Dauphin Island. "All that money [paid to independent contractors to help clean up the oil] should go to local folks instead of out-of-towners."

The meeting ended abruptly with officials exiting through a guarded door, leaving the crowd frustrated that it was not allowed to ask any questions.

But just before the conclusion, Bayou La Batre Mayor Stanley Wright's boisterous voice could be heard telling the crowd: "Work with your organizations if you have them but don't sign anything BP gives you."

The federal government says there are nearly 2,000 people involved in the response effort, with additional resources being mobilized as needed.

The attorneys general from Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas will meet Sunday in Mobile, Ala., to discus legal options, strategies and preparations for the spill.

Asked if the states may file lawsuits against BP and other firms, a spokeswoman for Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum said he is looking at all possibilities.

Lawyers for private plaintiffs including fishermen have filed at least 26 potential class action lawsuits so far.

BP Chairman Blames Failed Equipment For Oil Spill

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