Strange question, is our food natural?


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2017
Yep, it's a strange one, but when I thought of it, it had me pondering. The reason I ask it is this: in all my years, I've never seen a lot of the food we eat growing naturally, or in the wild.

For example, have you ever seen a watermelon, head of lettuce, strawberries, carrots etc. growing in the wild? I haven't. The only place I've seen them is in the grocery store. I know they were grown on a farm, but, if those things are not found in the wild, then where did the seeds come from to plant the first ones? If they do grow in the wild, why haven't I ever come across any of them.

Same thing applies to pork. I know that wild boars exist, but, I've never seen any of the pink pigs that we eat roaming in the wild. Where did they come from? Same with chickens, I've never seen any white feathered chickens in the wild, only black feathered roosters. And cows. Never have I found any black and white milk cows in the wild, only black colored bulls.

Where did these things come from? Maybe they are out there, and I've just never seen them.

Anyway, just some useless crap that is cluttering my head lol.
Yep, it's a strange one, but when I thought of it, it had me pondering. The reason I ask it is this: in all my years, I've never seen a lot of the food we eat growing naturally, or in the wild.

For example, have you ever seen a watermelon, head of lettuce, strawberries, carrots etc. growing in the wild? I haven't. The only place I've seen them is in the grocery store. I know they were grown on a farm, but, if those things are not found in the wild, then where did the seeds come from to plant the first ones? If they do grow in the wild, why haven't I ever come across any of them.

Same thing applies to pork. I know that wild boars exist, but, I've never seen any of the pink pigs that we eat roaming in the wild. Where did they come from? Same with chickens, I've never seen any white feathered chickens in the wild, only black feathered roosters. And cows. Never have I found any black and white milk cows in the wild, only black colored bulls.

Where did these things come from? Maybe they are out there, and I've just never seen them.

Anyway, just some useless crap that is cluttering my head lol.
Not useless crap but an absolutely essential question asked by people aware of what is going on with our food resources.
Yep, it's a strange one, but when I thought of it, it had me pondering. The reason I ask it is this: in all my years, I've never seen a lot of the food we eat growing naturally, or in the wild.

For example, have you ever seen a watermelon, head of lettuce, strawberries, carrots etc. growing in the wild? I haven't. The only place I've seen them is in the grocery store. I know they were grown on a farm, but, if those things are not found in the wild, then where did the seeds come from to plant the first ones? If they do grow in the wild, why haven't I ever come across any of them.

Same thing applies to pork. I know that wild boars exist, but, I've never seen any of the pink pigs that we eat roaming in the wild. Where did they come from? Same with chickens, I've never seen any white feathered chickens in the wild, only black feathered roosters. And cows. Never have I found any black and white milk cows in the wild, only black colored bulls.

Where did these things come from? Maybe they are out there, and I've just never seen them.

Anyway, just some useless crap that is cluttering my head lol.

Just saw a presentation today by a couple who work in the medical field
on how unnatural processed foods are, and what the average diet is doing to
the health of people and the planet.

One Green Planet

Not everyone agrees on meat eating vs. vegetarian or veganism,
but all the experts seem to agree to cut down on processed foods.

The more natural the better.

Not only are the meat-producing farm factories "Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations"
exposing people and environment to unnatural concentrations of chemicals and waste,
but even fruits and vegetables are affected by corporate politics and economics.

CAFO - The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories

More people are turning back to organic and locally grown and produced food markets.

It's better for society to restore the local cooperative relationships that
normally sustain communities, and this empowers individuals and local
relationships to develop instead of getting bought out by bigger corporate
interests taking over and taking advantage of farmers getting pushed out of the market
if we don't go back to supporting local businesses and home grown economies.
Yep, it's a strange one, but when I thought of it, it had me pondering. The reason I ask it is this: in all my years, I've never seen a lot of the food we eat growing naturally, or in the wild.

For example, have you ever seen a watermelon, head of lettuce, strawberries, carrots etc. growing in the wild? I haven't. The only place I've seen them is in the grocery store. I know they were grown on a farm, but, if those things are not found in the wild, then where did the seeds come from to plant the first ones? If they do grow in the wild, why haven't I ever come across any of them.

Same thing applies to pork. I know that wild boars exist, but, I've never seen any of the pink pigs that we eat roaming in the wild. Where did they come from? Same with chickens, I've never seen any white feathered chickens in the wild, only black feathered roosters. And cows. Never have I found any black and white milk cows in the wild, only black colored bulls.

Where did these things come from? Maybe they are out there, and I've just never seen them.

Anyway, just some useless crap that is cluttering my head lol.

all of them are found in the wild in one form or another,,
what cultivation has done is stopped animals, weather and disease from limiting their growth a grow to full fruition and in a few cases humans have managed to create hybridized versions to bring out the most in them in both size and quality,,

as for pigs, they are a very unique animal,,if you take one out of the wild in a short time they change and become as you see them and if a domesticated one gets out in the wild they will quickly change and become the wild boars you see
Everything we eat and drink has been genetically modified by artificial selection.

With the possible exception of water (which contains no genes to modify).

If genetic modification was inherently harmful to humans, it's about 10,000 years too late to do anything about it.
I choked my chicken today. In 2030 I'll be like ________________
Everything we eat and drink has been genetically modified by artificial selection.

With the possible exception of water (which contains no genes to modify).

If genetic modification was inherently harmful to humans, it's about 10,000 years too late to do anything about it.

or it didnt happen at all
Everything we eat and drink has been genetically modified by artificial selection.

With the possible exception of water (which contains no genes to modify).

If genetic modification was inherently harmful to humans, it's about 10,000 years too late to do anything about it.
Selective breeding is one way to modify foodstuffs. GMO's...yeah, not so much. Genetic modification using foreign genetic material is quite different from selective breeding for specific traits.

can't get any more natural than that..........

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