Stop this unpatriotic act!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
The profiling done by police is unAmerican! We should see ourselves as Americans not as blacks or whites. I come from a patriotic military family. I was raised to treat all Americans with respect. With this stupid policy we are treating some Americans different from every other American. It is time we treat all Americans the same.
I don't see that as a good idea or possible. Rural life is different from city, even city life is different from inner city.
The profiling done by police is unAmerican! We should see ourselves as Americans not as blacks or whites. I come from a patriotic military family. I was raised to treat all Americans with respect. With this stupid policy we are treating some Americans different from every other American. It is time we treat all Americans the same.

You see some people who likely stole some products from the local bodega and the Cops question the store keeper and he says it's the black guys but he can't identify a specific one. Don't you think the cop has the DUTY to question those who best fit the description of the perps?

And if it is a Black person or persons who stole the merchandise and not you, would you insist upon being questioned too just to make things fair?
Maybe law enforcement profiles, because it works.

We should have only one culture in America. That will stop the profiling.

Get MY Black Brothers and Sisters to stop feeding the stereotype!

If we weren't known for committing those kinds of crimes and things the Po Po wouldn't look at us first when stuff happens.

I dream of the day when a store is robbed and the first person the cops racially profile are Asians!


Not because I have anything necessarily against Asians, but I hope Black folk will one day get our acts together so well and so much that it would be prepoterous for anyone to think a Black person committed such a crime.

Just as it is currently out of the question to suspect an Asian of committing a mom & pop grocery store robbery in the Black section of an American middle sized city, so should the idea of a Black person committing that crime be unthinkable.

That day is a LOOOONG way off.

But we must start with straight talk if we are to ever reach that day.

Straight talk like this.
Mojo, I was thinking more like someone being out of place. In our rural area the thieves, drunks and drug dealers are pretty well known. So they are pretty easy to profile. If I started showing up in the big city once a week in a bad neighborhood, I'd probably stick out too. The local drunks finally figured out DDs after being followed from bars around here and getting a DUI or two.

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