Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men

Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)
Expanded Homicide Data
  • In 2015, most (78.8 percent) of the 13,455 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)

We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.
We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

wtf is mucho??

You mean 'macho'?

A 'macho, macho man' shot the damn shooter today. He should have been more macho so he could have shot the bastard sooner.
Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men

Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)
Expanded Homicide Data
  • In 2015, most (78.8 percent) of the 13,455 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)

We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

Great. Dress your son up as a girl and I’m sure he will be totally well adjusted. Hey, newsflash- men are also the ones almost always guilty of rape and sexual harassment. Anybody who has ever raised a daughter and a son knows girls are different than boys. Raise them like they’re the same and you’ll have a freak show. Problem the most pointless OP of all time.
Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men

Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)
Expanded Homicide Data
  • In 2015, most (78.8 percent) of the 13,455 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)

We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

Yeah. Women just strangle or drown their kids.
I dare you to show me where my ideas are wrong?

This is as old as civilization itself, go to any country in the world and see who is commiting most of the crimes, its going to be the men so get over it.
Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and October 2017, by shooter's gender

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by gender 2017 | Statistic

Because hell, men need to be tough and shit!!! Most of this wouldn't happen if we taught them just like our daughters. Prove me wrong.

Seriously, why do you subject yourself to this? Raise boys like girls? Have you ever had kids? Do you wish your dad had raised you to sit down to pee, is there something missing in your life? Because I care, I’ll just say it- come out of the closet, be the woman you have always wanted to be, let the inner woman out. It’s ok, most of us will have no issue with it, just own it girl.
Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men

Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)
Expanded Homicide Data
  • In 2015, most (78.8 percent) of the 13,455 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)

We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

Wrong....the 151.8 million men in America did not do this...what we actually have is a single teenage mother problem....young girls, barely able to exist on their own, raising young males without fathers or adult men to teach them to be men....that is the issue....

It isn't just the book "Life at the Bottom" from Britain....their social welfare state has now reached the point where it can no longer civilize their young males...and their gun crime rates and violent crime rates are going up....

In the past...where men married women and they raised their children together, we didn't see this problem to this point........
Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and October 2017, by shooter's gender

Mass shootings in the U.S.: shooters by gender 2017 | Statistic

Because hell, men need to be tough and shit!!! Most of this wouldn't happen if we taught them just like our daughters. Prove me wrong.

Seriously, why do you subject yourself to this? Raise boys like girls? Have you ever had kids? Do you wish your dad had raised you to sit down to pee, is there something missing in your life? Because I care, I’ll just say it- come out of the closet, be the woman you have always wanted to be, let the inner woman out. It’s ok, most of us will have no issue with it, just own it girl.

there may be something to this

Leftists are weak - Men Of The West
Stop the bs..This is about gender and NOT the 2nd amend!

One Undeniable Factor In Gun Violence: Men

Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)
Expanded Homicide Data
  • In 2015, most (78.8 percent) of the 13,455 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)

We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

Sorry you seem to have had such a fucked up childhood, I was taught to be thoughtful of others and treat them the way I wanted to be treated. And the measure of a man was not how tough he was but how he took care of his family and how he solved problems.

You might want to seek professional help.

But then on the other hand, you have society saying it's ok to kill the unborn, video games and other media glamorizing killing, stealing, raping and generally treating people like shit. Schools not teaching morals or humility, giving out participation trophies and telling them there's no losers in life, then those students have to go out in the real world, many can't handle it. Just look at the condition of our colleges and how they can be sparked to violent outburst just by seeing something they don't like.

Yeah, it's fucked up, but you should look at the folks that are pushing all this shit on our young people in the government halls of indoctrination. It ain't conservatives.


Not all of us raise our young women the same.

So this is about 2nd Amendment rights.



...Some of us don't want them to end up victims.
We teach our sons to be mucho and this turns into the thinking that roughing up or killing people is cool. This is sick and we need to stop teaching our sons to be mucho!!!! It is bad for our nation. As the data above suggest about 80% of all killings in this country are done by men because we spout bs about how it is cool to be tough, violent and nasty through out his life.

Time to raise our sons the same way we raise our daughters. Want to save thousands of lives per year? Do you think it is worth it???? Maybe instead of banning guns we should teach our sons to value life and maybe some femininity.

Nothing surprising here. Someone who is nominally male, but who has only ever managed to be a pathetic, feeble, worthless excuse for a man, rather than even thinking of any effort to try improve himself, instead wishes to achieve some measure of “equality” by seeking to drag others down to his own level.

F••• that. Those of us who aspire to real manhood, and who have achieved various measures of success thereat, are not going to throw it away just so that some pussified girly-man can feel better about himself.

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