Stop persecuting doctors for legitimately prescribing opioids for chronic pain

Rethinking this...the OP should get as many opioids as he wants.

Think about it if he or she had have kept that tongue out of trumps crevice none of this would have happened.
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?
In both cases, the people proposing the ban are nazis who feel entitled to run other people's lives. If you don't like opioids, don't take them. it's as simple as that.

Mostly republican led states are the ones who have stricter rules on these types of drugs, you're barking up the wrong tree.

If you'd kept your tongue where it belonged you wouldn't have this painful condition.
Rethinking this...the OP should get as many opioids as he wants.

Think about it if he or she had have kept that tongue out of trumps crevice none of this would have happened.
Opioids are sounding like guns in this thread. Guns are destroying communities. Opioids are destroying communities. When there are proposals to reduce the number of guns in the community, some say they NEED their guns, love their guns, use their guns responsibly and have a right to any gun they want.

When there are proposals to reduce the amount of opioids in the community, the very same reactions happen. They want opioids, they NEED opioids, they use opioids responsibly and they have a right to obtain opioids whenever and for what ever need they personally have.

And so we will have more guns because those who shout about them shout loudest, regardless of their number. And we shall have more opioids in the community for he very same reasons.

Meanwhile, people are still being killed by guns and opioids.

With friends like these, eh?
In both cases, the people proposing the ban are nazis who feel entitled to run other people's lives. If you don't like opioids, don't take them. it's as simple as that.

Mostly republican led states are the ones who have stricter rules on these types of drugs, you're barking up the wrong tree.

If you'd kept your tongue where it belonged you wouldn't have this painful condition.
It's not being done at the state level, moron. Drugs are regulated by the FDA and the DEA.
What happened to right to privacy, or between a doctor and patient, therefore not the government's business?

If it was a 13 year old wanting an abortion without parental consent, it's sacrosanct. When it's my elderly mother with a crumbling spine clearly visible on X-rays, she needs to just suck it up! WTF? Makes me furious.
Assholes don't believe other people have rights.
Rethinking this...the OP should get as many opioids as he wants.
Apparently that has already occurred in your case.
I don't do drugs...aversion to even aspirin...I thought I made that clear. Have some more opioids.
We are so in awe of your magnificence! How could we ever hope to live up to your expectations?
Again, another thing I've already covered in this thread...that each of us are different in how we can handle pain and/or pills. You might want to actually read my posts beforehand.....just sayin'.
Why can't people just suck it up?
You're another imbecile drug warrior, aren't you? When I had metal braces screwed into my writes, do you think I should have just "sucked it up?"
I have to and my vertebrae is collapsing in my spinal cord..I was cut of four years ago o_Of course there is always the black market to score the opiods.
Rethinking this...the OP should get as many opioids as he wants.
Apparently that has already occurred in your case.
I don't do drugs...aversion to even aspirin...I thought I made that clear. Have some more opioids.
We are so in awe of your magnificence! How could we ever hope to live up to your expectations?
Again, another thing I've already covered in this thread...that each of us are different in how we can handle pain and/or pills. You might want to actually read my posts beforehand.....just sayin'.
What the fuck is your point?

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