Stop Listening to the Divisiveness


Active Member
Aug 7, 2009
It is a large portion of what is wrong with America. Take a look at who you listen to in the media. Whether it is Hannity, Maddow, Limbaugh, or Olbermann. I did some listening to several different talk show hosts over the years on both sides and have found a way to tell how partisan each of them are; It is a simple procedure. Just calculate the percentage of time these hosts spend vilifying “the other side”. Those with the higher percentages are the most partisan and I would question their true motives.

I say that until both sides can stop listening to talk show hosts who only make the political divide greater, we will never solve the real problems with our nation. Of course, that would require people to grow up and admit stupidity and dishonesty on both sides; and for people to stop accepting that the best case for their “side” is the stupidity and dishonesty on the other “side”.

By the way, I tried to find a credible study that was done to analyze the percent of time each talk show host spent on subjects and could not find anything. If anyone has seen such a study, I would be interested.
I long for the good old days of journalism and news reporting when they just told you what the facts were and you had to be smart enough to figure it out all by yourself.
I long for the good old days of journalism and news reporting when they just told you what the facts were and you had to be smart enough to figure it out all by yourself.

I'm afraid you and I will be longing for that for the rest of our lives. I hope I am wrong.

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