Stocks Jump Higher as Trump Escalates Trade War..Almost breaks record high!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Just think the DOW is less than 400 points from breaking the all time high.....the Jug Earred, Kenyan Muslim never even came close and Trump just keeps on could anyone vote for the socialist/DemonRATS that want to steal back your tax cut!!!!! Crumbs, my ass!!!!!

The latest escalation in the trade war did not have the dire consequences many predicted for the stock market.
Stocks rose Tuesday after the Trump administration announced new tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods and China promised to retaliate with tariffs on an additional $60 billion of U.S. goods.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 184 points, or 0.74 percent. The S&P 500 rose by half a percentage point. The Nasdaq Composite advanced eight-tenths of a percentage point.

The rise in U.S. stocks was all the more notable because the new tariffs are scheduled to go into effect September 24, sooner than many expected. And while the tariffs level will initially be 10 percent, as had been rumored for several days, that will rise to 25 percent on January 1.

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Total public and private debt, is according to the most commonly used analysis, 4x GDP. That means that attempts to stimulate through the trade war could mean China is going to in an economic crisis quick.
Dow closed today less than 200 points from the record high price....It seems that $200 billion of NEW TARIFFS on China has a very positive effect...GO TRUMP!
China has been screwing the USA for a long time now. Of course, the previous POTUS weren't going to do anything -except let China screw us for that long. And when you have the "bully" China trying to retaliate with tariffs of their own; just goes to show you....China doesn't like what Trump stands for and trying to "bully" like they have been for decades - if not a century now. It's time to take that "bully" behind the woodshed.
Just think the DOW is less than 400 points from breaking the all time high.....the Jug Earred, Kenyan Muslim never even came close and Trump just keeps on could anyone vote for the socialist/DemonRATS that want to steal back your tax cut!!!!! Crumbs, my ass!!!!!

The latest escalation in the trade war did not have the dire consequences many predicted for the stock market.
Stocks rose Tuesday after the Trump administration announced new tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods and China promised to retaliate with tariffs on an additional $60 billion of U.S. goods.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 184 points, or 0.74 percent. The S&P 500 rose by half a percentage point. The Nasdaq Composite advanced eight-tenths of a percentage point.

The rise in U.S. stocks was all the more notable because the new tariffs are scheduled to go into effect September 24, sooner than many expected. And while the tariffs level will initially be 10 percent, as had been rumored for several days, that will rise to 25 percent on January 1.

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The Dow's been breaking records for over 10 years. Strange how you never cared before.
Just think the DOW is less than 400 points from breaking the all time high.....the Jug Earred, Kenyan Muslim never even came close and Trump just keeps on could anyone vote for the socialist/DemonRATS that want to steal back your tax cut!!!!! Crumbs, my ass!!!!!

The latest escalation in the trade war did not have the dire consequences many predicted for the stock market.
Stocks rose Tuesday after the Trump administration announced new tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods and China promised to retaliate with tariffs on an additional $60 billion of U.S. goods.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 184 points, or 0.74 percent. The S&P 500 rose by half a percentage point. The Nasdaq Composite advanced eight-tenths of a percentage point.

The rise in U.S. stocks was all the more notable because the new tariffs are scheduled to go into effect September 24, sooner than many expected. And while the tariffs level will initially be 10 percent, as had been rumored for several days, that will rise to 25 percent on January 1.

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The Dow's been breaking records for over 10 years. Strange how you never cared before.
Dotw has hit new highs over 100 times under Trump's superb economic policies....and the mulatto Kenyan?

Strange your low IQ didn't help you realize this!
Just think the DOW is less than 400 points from breaking the all time high.....the Jug Earred, Kenyan Muslim never even came close and Trump just keeps on could anyone vote for the socialist/DemonRATS that want to steal back your tax cut!!!!! Crumbs, my ass!!!!!

The latest escalation in the trade war did not have the dire consequences many predicted for the stock market.
Stocks rose Tuesday after the Trump administration announced new tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods and China promised to retaliate with tariffs on an additional $60 billion of U.S. goods.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 184 points, or 0.74 percent. The S&P 500 rose by half a percentage point. The Nasdaq Composite advanced eight-tenths of a percentage point.

The rise in U.S. stocks was all the more notable because the new tariffs are scheduled to go into effect September 24, sooner than many expected. And while the tariffs level will initially be 10 percent, as had been rumored for several days, that will rise to 25 percent on January 1.

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The trade 'war' is in it's infancy.'s an embryo.

If it ever turns into a full blown WILL hurt the economy and consumers in a big way (as prices will go up as tariffs are really just taxes).

Show me a time in U.S. history when a full blown trade war was good for America?

BTW - you can't.
Just think the DOW is less than 400 points from breaking the all time high.....the Jug Earred, Kenyan Muslim never even came close and Trump just keeps on could anyone vote for the socialist/DemonRATS that want to steal back your tax cut!!!!! Crumbs, my ass!!!!!

The latest escalation in the trade war did not have the dire consequences many predicted for the stock market.
Stocks rose Tuesday after the Trump administration announced new tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods and China promised to retaliate with tariffs on an additional $60 billion of U.S. goods.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 184 points, or 0.74 percent. The S&P 500 rose by half a percentage point. The Nasdaq Composite advanced eight-tenths of a percentage point.

The rise in U.S. stocks was all the more notable because the new tariffs are scheduled to go into effect September 24, sooner than many expected. And while the tariffs level will initially be 10 percent, as had been rumored for several days, that will rise to 25 percent on January 1.

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The trade 'war' is in it's infancy.'s an embryo.

If it ever turns into a full blown WILL hurt the economy and consumers in a big way (as prices will go up as tariffs are really just taxes).

Show me a time in U.S. history when a full blown trade war was good for America?

BTW - you can't.
There has never been a U.S. full blown trade war....DUH!!!!!

Trump Is Winning the Trade War With China—Now It's Time to Make a Deal

Sep 5, 2018 · China was supposed to have the political strength and economic heft to win a trade war with the U.S. But President Donald Trump's ...
Trump is winning trade wars and honoring campaign promises
The Hill

Aug 23, 2018 · The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) rewrite with Mexico looks close to completion, and Canada cannot be far behind. ... Promising to level the playing field for our companies was one of President Trump’s central campaign promises in 2016, and it won over many of the blue
Stocks are dropping, this thread was made almost a month ago though.

Do you believe today's U.S. economy is the best in history? Yes or no, please?
One of the best, traditionally during WAR it is best....want to trade what we have for an all out war?

It's only sometimes best in war because the government is dumping GIGANTIC sums of debt into the it is completely unsustainable. Any idiot can charge his way to temporary prosperity - just ask Nazi Germany.

Here is the GDP growth of America since 1948...still think this economy is 'one of the best'? .


United States GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1948-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

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