Still more rats jump ship

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Dean Heller Distances Himself From Mitt Romney's '47 Percent' Comments

Senate GOP leaders dodge questions on Mitt Romney comment - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Its not just Bush's Brain and the rw "pundits" who don't want to go down with the **HMS Mittens.

Now if this would just mean the end of that scurrilous Lyin Ryan as well, it would be a perfect presidential election!

**Note that I didn't call it the "USS..." cuz Mittens doesn't consider himself a US citizen.
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Just saw Gov. Jennifer Granholm on Piers Morgan talking about Romney's plan and statement being redistribution upward--to the wealthier segment of the US. She said Obama wants opportunity for everyone, while Romney is out to make as many advantages for the wealthy as possible.
it would be a Herculean feat but with a little more effort Romney just might lose the House for the Republicans ...
It's hilarious hearing wingnuts, who watch wingnut news, saying it's a non-story because they aren't hearing anything or much about it. They also don't hear Fox News discussing Murdoch's British scandal, either. Sooo funny, having head in the sand and saying they aren't hearing anything.

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