Steve Curry black basketball star says moon landing was faked

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Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I don't know why this is creating so much controversy but it is all over the news this morning.

I thought it was rather well known that most blacks think the same way.

Why that is the case I can only in low iq, disbelief in science, or some sort of peculiar black world view.
I don't know why this is creating so much controversy but it is all over the news this morning.

I thought it was rather well known that most blacks think the same way.

Why that is the case I can only in low iq, disbelief in science, or some sort of peculiar black world view.
As Spartacus would say, “Respect his truth.”
So he's a moron. A lot of basketball players get a good college education.

Idk about now, if you didn't have at least 2.0-2.5 GPA back in the day and passing all classes, you didn't play. You could practice with the team, but not play.
Many colleges pass these idiots because they are told to do so. They often get a free academic pass. Utter hypocrisy.
Why that is the case I can only in low iq, disbelief in science, or some sort of peculiar black world view.
There are plenty of white people who believe it, too.

And the Right tells us that racism doesn't exist any more.

You folks make it easy for the PC zealots to get away with their bullshit.

I do not think most conservatives believe racism does not exist....they simply recognize African-Americans are the real racists in this society at this time.

Then there are those like me....who see nothing wrong with racism as defined in The Oxford English Dictionary....aka the original meaning or definition of racism which was changed to allow progressives to use it as a political weapon.

Anyhow...not matter how one looks at it...I think most are beginning to see the term 'racist' as not only over-used to the point of exhaustion but is also a meaningless in most make up their own definitions of it thus making it just an opinion and of course we all know about opinions......everyone has one just like assholes.
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