Steve Bannon does us a favor

Jan 6 was relevant
Nothing else to prove

The Reichstag fire is political fodder. It has nothing to do with legislation. Schitt and the Nazis are conducting yet another witch hunt, but this time they are targeting private citizens and they don't have a special prosecutor. The actions of the Nazis are illegal and unconstitutional. Bannon has rightly called the fascist vermin out.

You fascists will have to search for something else to try and distract attention away from the daily fuckup's of Xi's Biden regime.
Yet you claim that the meeting in Trump tower was somehow illegal.

But you're full of shit, as everyone knows.
Still waiting for you to quote me saying that meeting in Trump Tower was illegal.....

C'mon, Fruitcake. Link it or expose You're lying again. I can live with that.
I'd imagine many here are fully on board with this.
I certainly am onboard with his reasoning. Set aside (if you can) for a moment, the fact that this makes me your "enemy". Try (If you are able) to understand that having a conservative twigging to the truth that the Left has used the exact same strategy for decades, isn't "evil".

It's literally working against the Left by using their own winning strategy. They've controlled local political positions for far too long and have done so primarily due to conservatives being lazy and uninvolved. Bannon is going about changing this. It isn't illegal, it isn't immoral, and it's threatening only to those who fear losing their edge in local elections as well as their hegemony in the DC bureaucracy.

If you actually need to worry over these changes, IMO you'd be better served to be concerned with the increasingly violent rhetoric of your own party and its media 5th column efforts. They are literally stoking the fires of a real insurrection against the Right when the Right next gain power, potentially in a unified government of House, Senate, and Oval Office. THAT is entirely possible by 2024. The question is a very serious one. Will you and your fellow Democrats be willing to accept the will of the majority of voters in the majority of states - as executed in the Electoral College - OR will you attempt to disrupt the will of those voters as you tried for the 4 years beginning in 2017?

How far will you be willing to go to stop Trump from being inaugurated again? Is it worth destroying our Republic to refuse to accept him for a 4 year term? THAT is the question that patriotic Democrats need to be pondering in advance. Nothing less than the survival of our nation, is at stake.
How far will you be willing to go to stop Trump from being inaugurated again? Is it worth destroying our Republic to refuse to accept him for a 4 year term? THAT is the question that patriotic Democrats need to be pondering in advance. Nothing less than the survival of our nation, is at stake.
I've never belonged to either "major" party. I think they're both repulsive.

If Trump wins in 2024, and he very well may, then he wins. I suspect I'll survive, especially since I've already concluded that this is just where the country is. Not much I can do about that.

And I don't have any "enemies".
We saw what Republican Shock Troops did on Jan 6
Trespass and vandalize some property? You people are pathetic. NOT ONE CHARGE of "sedition" or "insurrection". WHY? We've been hearing the media nonstop for nearly a year, using those terms as though most of the 600+ arrested, were guilty of one of those two crimes. NOT ONE has even been charged, let alone convicted of those crimes.
At what point will you people admit the "big lie" has been told by your party and its propaganda arm? November 2nd is just the first in a series of coming rebukes by U.S. voters. You are bringing it all on yourselves and IMO you know you can't win in '22 so you plan to simply double down with your lies and continue to ratchet up the anger and subtle calls to violence should Trump run in '24 and win. That's a VERY dangerous game, neighbor. Only fools think it can succeed.
Give him credit. He's at the core of what became Trumpism, and he knows that what he says on his show will be reported. The goal here is to dismantle the federal government as much as possible, and he intends to do it by force if needed. Literally.

So we can't say he didn't warn us.

I'd imagine many here are fully on board with this.

Makes some of us wonder what he was doing on a Chinese yacht.
I don't know. We're in uncharted territory now, in which we can't even agree on what is real.
Can you understand why I'd be at least asking the question? I've been watching politics since 1980 and the last couple of decades has seen a very dangerous kind of refusal to even consider compromise. This Republic will not survive that for much longer. NEITHER group of Americans will be subjugated by the other. Lawlessness will destabilize the nation and the only beneficiaries of that will be our enemies. There have always been sharp differences between Americans over social and fiscal policies. The difference I see today is stark. It is being driven by a corporate media complex whose only goal can be division and conflict between Americans. Half or more of the nation can see this.
Can you understand why I'd be at least asking the question? I've been watching politics since 1980 and the last couple of decades has seen a very dangerous kind of refusal to even consider compromise. This Republic will not survive that for much longer. NEITHER group of Americans will be subjugated by the other. Lawlessness will destabilize the nation and the only beneficiaries of that will be our enemies. There have always been sharp differences between Americans over social and fiscal policies. The difference I see today is stark. It is being driven by a corporate media complex whose only goal can be division and conflict between Americans. Half or more of the nation can see this.
I agree with much of that. Personally, I've concluded the only thing that saves us at this point is if we change THE SYSTEM under which these people operate. The only person who is attacking this directly is Andrew Yang.

I'm turning into a one-issue voter: We have to fix our SYSTEM. The individual issues are secondary to me, because they're all irrelevant if we continue down this path.

So... the calls by Bannon would accomplish PRECISELY the same goal. Yet you folks think he's evil for it. What, exactly, are you afraid of?
Bannon's goals and Obama's goals are diametrically opposed to each-other.

Bannon seeks to poke the bear and hope that it chooses to go his way--it's just a power trip. Not that he isn't smart..he is--but too many people are on to him--and the state is going to remove him.

BTW..what Obama set in motion is still active--and the fundamental change that is anathema to well on it's way to becoming everyday reality.
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