Stereotyping: Is it OK is some cases, and not in others?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
So, I see all the time on here, people taking "one bad apple" and labelling the entire group as bad because of it......

How is this any different from stereotyping of blacks, gays, Asians, etc.?

This is all that seems to be in the news. A Liberal/Conservative does "X", so they are all bad along with their agenda.

Is this not the same?
So, I see all the time on here, people taking "one bad apple" and labelling the entire group as bad because of it......

How is this any different from stereotyping of blacks, gays, Asians, etc.?

This is all that seems to be in the news. A Liberal/Conservative does "X", so they are all bad along with their agenda.

Is this not the same?
Not all East Asians are intelligent and not all blacks are dim. We get that, but as with almost everything else in life, it is a matter of degree.
So, I see all the time on here, people taking "one bad apple" and labelling the entire group as bad because of it......

How is this any different from stereotyping of blacks, gays, Asians, etc.?

This is all that seems to be in the news. A Liberal/Conservative does "X", so they are all bad along with their agenda.

Is this not the same?
In the context that you're using - politics - the answer is simple:

Stereotyping is just fine if it helps my "side". It's terrible if it helps the other "side".

That's how far we've fallen.
Well now, there is a problem when a lot of people get together and confirm the stereotype. As in electing a pedophile to the Senate.
So, I see all the time on here, people taking "one bad apple" and labelling the entire group as bad because of it......

How is this any different from stereotyping of blacks, gays, Asians, etc.?

This is all that seems to be in the news. A Liberal/Conservative does "X", so they are all bad along with their agenda.

Is this not the same?
Not all East Asians are intelligent and not all blacks are dim. We get that, but as with almost everything else in life, it is a matter of degree.

It's not that they are born that way, it's that their heritage values it (or not)

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