Steel Panthers


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
There are 3 games that use the old Steel Panthers rules ( there were 3 different Versions).

One is Steel Panthers: World at War. It is basicly a WW2 game, it can span from 1930 to 1949. It is turn based , each unit represents 1 vehicle, 1 Major weapon type ( Like a Howitzer) and squads of varing size depending on Nationality.

Another is Steel Panthers World War 2. It covers a lot of the same time frame with a different version of the base combat rules.

The third is Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank. It covers from 1946 to 2020.

Each is a Tactical game, with the ability to have up to a Rump Division in the largest battles. Though it is billed as a Battalion level game.

All 3 can be gotten for free and have been updated to windows versions. They are OK Solo and can be played by e-mail as well.

I was wondering if anyone plays them or other war games.

I have about 12 Matrix releases of newer games. Ranging from ancient to modern. Matrix Game Company is a publisher, they make deals with game designers and then advertise and sell their games. The current hot titles are Civil War and WW2.

Address is They have a large board for discussing all the games they sell..
I LOVE Steel Panthers. I have the original WW2 version and Steel Panthers II.

And its goof to know that the updated versions will run on Windows, because once I moved to Win98 I could nto longer play. Booo!

I'll have to see if I can D/L them. Thanks for the info!!
have you ever played a game called Conflict? old 8 bit nes?
2 of the titles are from Shrapnel Games, they have a site, trying to remember where the other is from, I think Wargamer?

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