Steam can no longer be ignored.

MORON!!! Tell me HOW you are going to HEAT all that water to make STEAM?[/QUOTE

Again, steam on a small and mid sized is more beneficial and efficient. Wind, solar, bloom box generated electricity, and other noncombustible methods can heat water to generate steam.

Tornado alley has not been recognized as a valued method of generating power. Mobile windmill systems, or well-placed land based windmill systems also using Artificial wind generating systems can produce an enormous amount of electrical energy.

These tornadoes have paths though the Midwest that are seasonally predictable. Tornadoes have cost Americans many lives and much property, when do we decide to get something beneficial from these natural occurrence’s?
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MORON!!! Tell me HOW you are going to HEAT all that water to make STEAM?[/QUOTE

Again, steam on a small and mid size scale is more beneficial and efficient. Wind, solar, bloom box generated electricity, and other noncombustible methods can heat water to generate steam.

Tornado alley has not been recognized as a valued method of generating power. Mobile windmill systems, or well-placed land based windmill systems also using Artificial wind generating systems can produce an enormous amount of electrical energy.

These tornadoes have paths though the Midwest that are seasonally predictable. Tornadoes have cost Americans many lives and much property, when do we decide to get something beneficial from these natural occurrence’s?

Uh, my first thought was I will read, my second thought is your an idiot.

Nothing beats economies of scale.

I guess you most likely did not guess I am an EPRI QDA Level IIA did you.

You are ignorant of what you speak.

Windmills, Solar, Geothermal are addressed and as of yet not one person on these boards has disputed my posts concerning these sources of pollution, I do not say power because since we began using these sources of waste over a hundred years ago all they have created is waste.

You cannot describe these as medium sources of steam, at best all three put together are as insignificant as your breath when compared to the steam a Nuclear Power Plant creates.

Imagine Nagasaki destroyed with one bomb 65 years ago, imagine all the advances in Nuclear technology, all those advances are solely to heat water until it makes steam, imagine being able to destroy entire cities and than harnessing that energy to make steam. That is what Nuclear power is, the energy of a Nuclear bomb harnessed to make steam.

Please explain how a windmill farm compares, it does not, never will, wind farms will never equal one percent of the power of the smallest nuclear power plant.

As far as danger, what a joke, right now at San Onofre spent fuel literally sits on the beach where people sun bathe, where the greatest surf contests are held, ever here of Old Mans, Trestles, thats right the spent fuel from the lifetime of one of our earliest nuclear reactors sits right on the beach, ever hear of one complaint, if this waste was one tenth as dangerous as you implicate how come you did cite this hazard. Simple, you do not know what you talk about.

Right now I will go to sleep and than wake so I can inspect the greatest steam generators on the Hudson river, a crew of folks will acquire the date on site and than transmit the data to me, I will analyize the data and send my results back to the plant, what I do will determine if the Nuclear power plant runs tomorrow, yet it will run, it has new Heat Exchangers and through the best engineering in all of the power industry, it will run as flawless as the radiator in your car. Another heat exchanger.

Wind Turbines on the other hand are completely unregulated resulted in 1000's of tons of toxic waste, its called the manufacturer of fiberglass, the mining of boran, the drilling of oil to provide the propene to make fiberglass.

Read the threads, all this information is right on this website if you really wish not to be one of the ignorant.
mdn2000/smart want to try and make a attempt on answering the thread addressed to you?

For the record.

Scale: -noun. a standard of measurement or estimation; point of reference by which to gauge or rate: We have no scale by which to judge his achievements.

I'll rip up your nuclear augument at a later date...Einstein.
mdn2000/smart want to try and make a attempt on answering the thread addressed to you?

For the record.

Scale: -noun. a standard of measurement or estimation; point of reference by which to gauge or rate: We have no scale by which to judge his achievements.

I'll rip up your nuclear augument at a later date...Einstein.

First you got to defend the statements you already made, whats wrong, you gonna run from what you posted.

Why run from your posts. I guess you saying you were full of shit, so you think you tackle something else, hardly.
mdn2000/smart want to try and make a attempt on answering the thread addressed to you?

For the record.

Scale: -noun. a standard of measurement or estimation; point of reference by which to gauge or rate: We have no scale by which to judge his achievements.

I'll rip up your nuclear augument at a later date...Einstein.

First you got to defend the statements you already made, whats wrong, you gonna run from what you posted.

Why run from your posts. I guess you saying you were full of shit, so you think you tackle something else, hardly.

One of the most basic and fascinating tools in understanding the realities of politics is knowing the methods used to hide the abundance of stink which comes from those who expose their purpose and true motives. They, at all cost need to hide the stink.

The operatives know that people find it an abhorrent thing to be lied too and mislead.

Snakes need to hide, they need cover, and they need to conceal themselves and their purpose for if this information/motives were to be known it would be difficult for them to get into striking distance.

From lowest knot head peon, to the planners and those who from behind the scenes carried out 9-11 one signature method used in an attempt to cover themselves it’s the “backward logic”.

Some call it reverse psychology, but the two are not the same and there is subtle differences. Once these methods and traits are clearly recognized all the stink makes plane who the operatives are. They have always intended to destroy our Government, freedom, and the American way of life.

This classic, poster child, textbook, example of backward logic is here for all to see and understand. Every word of this particular operatives response applies to mdn/2000 with all certainty!

They try and shift ones focus to try and create a false perception.

They blame the resistance to their stinking propaganda of things that very accurately defines themselves.
In terms of 9-11 they claims they are working for our security…. the backward logic is they are working for the overthrow of our constitution and the American Government.

Are you working for the Mossad?

The true internal false flag terrorist who are indeed responsible for 9-11 use the backward logic to label every political activist (in all the different catorgories] that resist the attempt at a take over of the United States as being the enemy.

Here’s insight: *** : Information Clearing House -* ICH
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mdn2000/smart want to try and make a attempt on answering the thread addressed to you?

For the record.

Scale: -noun. a standard of measurement or estimation; point of reference by which to gauge or rate: We have no scale by which to judge his achievements.

I'll rip up your nuclear augument at a later date...Einstein.

First you got to defend the statements you already made, whats wrong, you gonna run from what you posted.

Why run from your posts. I guess you saying you were full of shit, so you think you tackle something else, hardly.

One of the most basic and fascinating tools in understanding the realities of politics is knowing the methods used to hide the abundance of stink which comes from those who expose their purpose and true motives. They, at all cost need to hide the stink.

The operatives know that people find it an abhorrent thing to be lied too and mislead.

Snakes need to hide, they need cover, and they need to conceal themselves and their purpose for if this information/motives were to be known it would be difficult for them to get into striking distance.

From lowest knot head peon, to the planners and those who from behind the scenes carried out 9-11 one signature method used in an attempt to cover themselves it’s the “backward logic”.

Some call it reverse psychology, but the two are not the same and there is subtle differences. Once these methods and traits are clearly recognized all the stink makes plane who the operatives are. They have always intended to destroy our Government, freedom, and the American way of life.

This classic, poster child, textbook, example of backward logic is here for all to see and understand. Every word of this particular operatives response applies to mdn/2000 with all certainty!

They try and shift ones focus to try and create a false perception.

They blame the resistance to their stinking propaganda of things that very accurately defines themselves.
In terms of 9-11 they claims they are working for our security…. the backward logic is they are working for the overthrow of our constitution and the American Government.

Are you working for the Mossad?

The true internal false flag terrorist who are indeed responsible for 9-11 use the backward logic to label every political activist (in all the different catorgories] that resist the attempt at a take over of the United States as being the enemy.

Here’s insight: *** : Information Clearing House -* ICH

I thought so
All we need is the ENDLESS steam comming out of your head to power a large city forever. How can you be SO FUCKING DUMB to ignore the LAWS OF PHYSICS!!!??? How is STEAM produced? By HEATING WATER. HOW do you heat water? With a HEAT source. WHAT do you use for that heat source?

What laws of PHYSICS are you speaking of?
The fundamental laws of thermodynamics, which in layman's terms is "there's no such thing as a free lunch"
Should I list them, there are only four (when you include the Zeroth law)
All we need is the ENDLESS steam comming out of your head to power a large city forever. How can you be SO FUCKING DUMB to ignore the LAWS OF PHYSICS!!!??? How is STEAM produced? By HEATING WATER. HOW do you heat water? With a HEAT source. WHAT do you use for that heat source?

What laws of PHYSICS are you speaking of?
The fundamental laws of thermodynamics, which in layman's terms is "there's no such thing as a free lunch"
Should I list them, there are only four (when you include the Zeroth law)

Why don't you reveal these thermodynamic and zeroth laws?

Can you list these laws for everyone to see?
Can you list these laws for everyone to see?
0th law - if two systems are in equilibrium with a third system they are in equilibrium with each other.
1st law - Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. Thus for any isolated system total energy remains constant.
2nd law - Entropy of an isolated system cannot decrease.
3rd law - Entropy is at a minimum as temperature approaches absolute zero.
Can you list these laws for everyone to see?
0th law - if two systems are in equilibrium with a third system they are in equilibrium with each other.
1st law - Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. Thus for any isolated system total energy remains constant.
2nd law - Entropy of an isolated system cannot decrease.
3rd law - Entropy is at a minimum as temperature approaches absolute zero.

Now that you've presented a list feel free tell everyone what relevance it has to the topic being discussed.

And if no reasonable explanation is forth coming is it not speculation, but proven to be factual that your purpose and motive is to divert and distract Americans away from the solutions presented by the Octoldit?
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The point of thermodynamics is it shows - to get steam for power generation you must fist use some form of energy to heat the water to the point of being steam.
Are you actually that ignorant or are this entire thread mocking retards like OldRocksintheHead?
MORON!!! Tell me HOW you are going to HEAT all that water to make STEAM?[/QUOTE

Again, steam on a small and mid sized is more beneficial and efficient. Wind, solar, bloom box generated electricity, and other noncombustible methods can heat water to generate steam.

Tornado alley has not been recognized as a valued method of generating power. Mobile windmill systems, or well-placed land based windmill systems also using Artificial wind generating systems can produce an enormous amount of electrical energy.

These tornadoes have paths though the Midwest that are seasonally predictable. Tornadoes have cost Americans many lives and much property, when do we decide to get something beneficial from these natural occurrence’s?
ZOMG. I go away for lent and this moron comes back touting the 'miracles of steam'.

Since he doesn't get that thermodynamics forces every step in a process, using or producing energy to lose power due to heat and friction and gravity and other forces, it's no wonder he can't comprehend the basics of the conversation.

To get steam, there must be heat. Heat must be generated by either burning something or using electricity. So he wants to hook up the windmills to burners in which to produce steam in which to produce more electricity... how well's that going to work? Oh that's right. Rube Goldberg here has JET ENGINES parked in front of the windmills.

You're a loon, Octodolt, and really need to get back on your meds.
Can you list these laws for everyone to see?
0th law - if two systems are in equilibrium with a third system they are in equilibrium with each other.
1st law - Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. Thus for any isolated system total energy remains constant.
2nd law - Entropy of an isolated system cannot decrease.
3rd law - Entropy is at a minimum as temperature approaches absolute zero.

Now that you've presented a list feel free tell everyone what relevance it has to the topic being discussed.

And if no reasonable explanation is forth coming is it not speculation, but proven to be factual that your purpose and motive is to divert and distract Americans away from the solutions presented by the Octoldit?
Those laws say you can't use a multiple of systems (jet engine to windmill to steam to turbine) to INCREASE the power created. You will only lose power to entropy.

The best/most efficient way of generating power is a one step system. Source to final energy product. That is why a piezo-electric solar cell is more efficient than using sunlight to heat water to create steam to push a turbine. Fewer steps in which to lose energy at.
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The merging of Wind and solar, and steam to produce economical energy is a very credible solution whether your "debt merchant" masters like it or not. Nothing you can say will change the "fact" about turbine engines ability to supplement or enhance wind generation.

Big Fits sounds like you're well familiar with the meds you speak of for very obvious reasons.
Dood, yer so nuts, the bats in your belfry have been given lobotomies and anti-psychotic drips and they still couldn't dig the crazy out without explosives and power tools.
Dood, yer so nuts, the bats in your belfry have been given lobotomies and anti-psychotic drips and they still couldn't dig the crazy out without explosives and power tools.

Oh…so now you want to try and use the type of things that are said to “you” Big “Fits” by your lunatic buddies in the psych ward when the meds start wearing off and you guys want more.

You confirm to everyone your insanity when someone who is renown for these enormous psychotic “Fits” attempts to mislead and divert attention away from workable solutions.

This applies to all your cult member message board buddies when they let you out of the psych ward.

He’s not called Big Fitz/”Fits” for nothing…………..........Kook.

Shame on you!
Thanks. Funniest damn thing I've read in weeks.

You're improving....your acknowledgement that the joke is on you and your cult member buddies shows a slight degree of a return to reality.
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no no no... you're mistaken. We're laughing at you. Not with you.

To steal a joke at your expense, It's like Idi Amin telling Ghandi "you are too intense."
Oh no....more delusions... "Big Fits" get yourself some help and stop attempting to mislead Americans.

Get some help before you things get worst and you're all over the floor having one of your infamous fits.

Too much truth is something that may be hazardous to your mental health.

Are you sure you can handle political issues?
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