Stay Strong and Stand on Principal


At some point, people lost sight of the fact that standing on your principal and practicing mature compromise are not mutually exclusive. It was at that point people from both ends of the spectrum began acting like petulant children who simply had to have their way or they were going to take their toys and go home, damage be damned.

A mature, reasonable person takes the victories they can get today and then works diligently to gain further victories in the near future. Their self-esteem and their ego are not permanently damaged if they don't get their way. Zero-sum thinking is simplistic, immature and destructive.

Currently, the children are in control.

Problem is Republicans compromised many times with Democrats for spending cuts in return for raising taxes. But the spending cuts never ever come. The way I see it Democrats owe a hell of a lot of cuts before they get any more new taxes. For far too long Republicans have made deals with Democrats only to have them screwed over by the Democrats. How do you bargain with people that have no morals and take no accountability what so ever?

At some point, hopefully before we're in the ground, someone is going to have to be the first to suck it up and rise above these games. They can then take their case to the public and say "in the best interests of the country, we gave in, THIS TIME." It will then be up to the public to decide whether they want to reward that side for ending this insane game and doing the mature thing.

Both parties are too fixated on winning battles, and not enough on winning the war.


Obama gave in already.
Republicans need to look back at the past 4 years and realize regardless of what they do anything bad will be blamed on them. It is time to stop worrying about blame and do what is best for the country. You need to stand your ground sure it will be painful now but a little pain compared to what is in store for the near future if the deficit is not fixed. I agree taxes should not go up and you have said as much but the Democrats will not allow them to stay the same and that is just that. We need to stand our ground at the debt ceiling which is the only place where we will have the ability to save this nation. Do not allow that ceiling to go up without huge fixes to spending and the tax code, Also use it to force budget out of the senate. No budget in four years is just ridiculous.

At least if we go over the cliff maybe more people will actually start paying close attention rather than letting the fly by media say whatever they want and take it as fact.

The GOP should stand its ground on the debt ceiling, eh? Gosh, maybe if the GOP House didn't spend all that money that pushes us past the debt ceiling, that would be better, doncha think?

You don't have to raise the credit limit if you don't spend more than you take in.
Democrats: The Tax and Spend Party

Republicans: The Borrow and Spend Party

Wonderfully principled bunch of people.

Look at the DoD budget before 9/11.

Look at it now.

Look at it into the future.

One war is over, the other very nearly.

Why is the projected DoD budget not being returned to pre-war levels?


Boehner Adds to ‘Plan B’ by Canceling Sequestration, Shielding Defense

Bowing to criticism and throwing his hawkish members a life vest, House Speaker John Boehner has added to his fiscal “Plan B” a measure that would cancel pending defense cuts and shield the Pentagon from further budget shrinkage in 2013.

What were you saying about the debt ceiling?

But the Boehner measure would prohibit the president from tapping the defense budget in 2013 to get under spending caps.
As long as the GOP opposes Defense spending cuts, they need to shut their pie-holes about their "fiscal conservatism". They come across as raging hypocrites.

And anyone who is around today claiming to be a conservative who does not speak out against this will probably years from now claim they did, just like they claim they were always against Bush's spending. But we know better, don't we.

The principle at work in the GOP today is "borrow and spend". This is irrefutable fact.

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