State Dept: We know of 363 American citizens still abandoned in Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
What Biden has wrought, what they're currently admitting to.

And how sad that the MSM has no interest in this.

Say, wasn’t that number “around 100” two months ago? Even as late as Monday’s press briefing, State Department spokesperson Ned Price gave a range that was considerably lower than what State communicated yesterday to members of Congress:

Bear in mind that the 363 citizens are separate from those already exfiltrated. That puts the original estimates of “around 100” off by 400%. Even the number of those who “want to leave” but remain stuck don’t add up to State’s initial estimates. Note too that State is still not being clear about how many LPRs are still stuck in Afghanistan, even while they take credit for exfiltrating 131 LPRs … likely accomplished by others anyway.

Price obfuscated both points in Monday’s briefing:

In terms of a number of American citizens, this is a figure that, as you know, is not static. It is not immutable precisely because as Americans in the country – some of whom may be identifying themselves to us for the first time – see that we are able to effect the safe departure of Americans and LPRs and others from Afghanistan, that their calculus has changed. They have determined that they do with to depart the country. That range has been anywhere from below a 100 – right now it is somewhere in between 100 and 200 given that some Americans have – additional Americans have raised their hands, seeing our ability to effect their safe departure.

Even the “wants to leave” claim is an obfuscation. The Americans who aren’t ready to leave are mostly those being held back by their relatives’ non-visa status with the State Department. They won’t leave family members behind, but the State Department is making it sound as though they are staying by choice. It’s absurd, and it’s a disgrace.

So what is the real number of Americans — citizens and LPRs — abandoned by Biden to the Taliban? We’ll probably never know the real number, but it’s clearly in the thousands, and perhaps even higher than that when you count their families. Perhaps the media might want to start asking those questions before they end up missing altogether.

How do we really know that some of those Americans aren't intended to be there? :dunno:

How do we know they aren't support staff, or operatives?

Amid Afghan Chaos, a C.I.A. Mission That Will Persist for Years​

The spy agency had plans to de-emphasize counterterrorism operations to focus on rising global powers. History got in the way.

“It’s going to get a lot harder,” said Don Hepburn, a former senior C.I.A. officer who served in Afghanistan. “The agency is being drawn in many, many directions.”

Mr. Biden’s determination to end the military’s involvement in Afghanistan means that, starting next month, any American presence in the country would most likely be part of a clandestine operation that is not publicly acknowledged.. . "
If someone is refusing to leave until they can take their family members with no visa with them back to the US then they are not abandoned. Now I have no love to lose for Joe Biden or his administration, but just because some immigrant came here, got their papers, and then went back there does not mean that we as a country are beholding to them.
What Biden has wrought, what they're currently admitting to.

And how sad that the MSM has no interest in this.

Say, wasn’t that number “around 100” two months ago? Even as late as Monday’s press briefing, State Department spokesperson Ned Price gave a range that was considerably lower than what State communicated yesterday to members of Congress:
Bear in mind that the 363 citizens are separate from those already exfiltrated. That puts the original estimates of “around 100” off by 400%. Even the number of those who “want to leave” but remain stuck don’t add up to State’s initial estimates. Note too that State is still not being clear about how many LPRs are still stuck in Afghanistan, even while they take credit for exfiltrating 131 LPRs … likely accomplished by others anyway.
Price obfuscated both points in Monday’s briefing:
Even the “wants to leave” claim is an obfuscation. The Americans who aren’t ready to leave are mostly those being held back by their relatives’ non-visa status with the State Department. They won’t leave family members behind, but the State Department is making it sound as though they are staying by choice. It’s absurd, and it’s a disgrace.
So what is the real number of Americans — citizens and LPRs — abandoned by Biden to the Taliban? We’ll probably never know the real number, but it’s clearly in the thousands, and perhaps even higher than that when you count their families. Perhaps the media might want to start asking those questions before they end up missing altogether.

Did they happen to say, what in the world was on these people little minds, 6 months ago when Joe said we were getting out?
when did Xiden say he was leaving?
Well Trump drew it down from 13,000 to 2,500 troops and left Biden with a May 1st pullout date agreed to, but we could not make it by then (for whatever reason), but announced the withdrawal prior to April 14.
Well Trump drew it down from 13,000 to 2,500 troops and left Biden with a May 1st pullout date agreed to, but we could not make it by then (for whatever reason), but announced the withdrawal prior to April 14.
yes trumpnkeep the peace with 2500, but never committed to an absolute withdraw with out certain conditions that weren’t ever met

so when did xiden tell everyone the date he was withdrawing in august?
um he didn’t pull out in 9/11
It was supposed to be complete by 9/11. I think it was complete by 8/30. I don't think he knew the Afghani Army (trained by us) would lay down their weapon (furnished by us) and hed for the border if we were going to quit picking up the tab. Probably thought they would defend their own country. Go figure.
It was supposed to be complete by 9/11. I think it was complete by 8/30. I don't think he knew the Afghani Army (trained by us) would lay down their weapon (furnished by us) and hed for the border if we were going to quit picking up the tab. Probably thought they would defend their own country. Go figure.
so he didn’t tell anyone the date he was pulling out…gotcha

and no he was well aware of what would happen when we did…his military advisors testified to that
so he didn’t tell anyone the date he was pulling out…gotcha

and no he was well aware of what would happen when we did…his military advisors testified to that
I take it, you wish we had stayed.
yes trumpnkeep the peace with 2500, but never committed to an absolute withdraw with out certain conditions that weren’t ever met

so when did xiden tell everyone the date he was withdrawing in august?
Look up your own crap. Did you want us to defend that country with 2,500 troops? While their own army was heading for the border? You lost your mind? I am glad he got us out.
Look up your own crap. Did you want us to defend that country with 2,500 troops? While their own army was heading for the border? You lost your mind? I am glad he got us out.
nah i was happy ya just keeping the status queen for the time being

nobody was running because the 2500 was enough to keep the Taliban at bay
yes i would have listen to the military and intel advisors
Pretty sure military and intel people wanted us to stay for 20 years. Obama should have had us out of there, after Bin Laden was killed, but didn't. Trump put the withdrawal in motion down to 2500. No way 2500 troops can manage, much less defend a 252,000 Sq. Mile country under pressure from the Taliban. When the Afghani army split, we had to go or recommit to higher numbers. Thank God, the decision went to get out.
Pretty sure military and intel people wanted us to stay for 20 years. Obama should have had us out of there, after Bin Laden was killed, but didn't. Trump put the withdrawal in motion down to 2500. No way 2500 troops can manage, much less defend a 252,000 Sq. Mile country under pressure from the Taliban. When the Afghani army split, we had to go or recommit to higher numbers. Thank God, the decision went to get out.
they never said they wanted to stay for another 20 years

Xiden lied people died, more people will die because of his lie
Pretty sure military and intel people wanted us to stay for 20 years. Obama should have had us out of there, after Bin Laden was killed, but didn't. Trump put the withdrawal in motion down to 2500. No way 2500 troops can manage, much less defend a 252,000 Sq. Mile country under pressure from the Taliban. When the Afghani army split, we had to go or recommit to higher numbers. Thank God, the decision went to get out.
Those 2500 troops would be 2500 targets. What is it that these people don`t get?
Note th
What Biden has wrought, what they're currently admitting to.

And how sad that the MSM has no interest in this.

Say, wasn’t that number “around 100” two months ago? Even as late as Monday’s press briefing, State Department spokesperson Ned Price gave a range that was considerably lower than what State communicated yesterday to members of Congress:
Bear in mind that the 363 citizens are separate from those already exfiltrated. That puts the original estimates of “around 100” off by 400%. Even the number of those who “want to leave” but remain stuck don’t add up to State’s initial estimates. Note too that State is still not being clear about how many LPRs are still stuck in Afghanistan, even while they take credit for exfiltrating 131 LPRs … likely accomplished by others anyway.
Price obfuscated both points in Monday’s briefing:
Even the “wants to leave” claim is an obfuscation. The Americans who aren’t ready to leave are mostly those being held back by their relatives’ non-visa status with the State Department. They won’t leave family members behind, but the State Department is making it sound as though they are staying by choice. It’s absurd, and it’s a disgrace.
So what is the real number of Americans — citizens and LPRs — abandoned by Biden to the Taliban? We’ll probably never know the real number, but it’s clearly in the thousands, and perhaps even higher than that when you count their families. Perhaps the media might want to start asking those questions before they end up missing altogether.

Note the source.

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