State Dept. receives Clinton email chain apparently not included in pages turned over


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
So, after Hillary swore she had turned all of her work-related email over, under penalty of perjury, we get another surprise...

State Dept. receives Clinton email chain apparently not included in pages turned over

The State Department has received an email chain between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus that apparently was not included in the collection she said was a full record of her work-related correspondence.

In addition, the State Department said it provided more than 900 Libya-related emails to the House Select Committee on Benghazi Friday. The Department has had those emails since December.

The Clinton-Petraeus messages, according to the Department, were exchanged in January and February of 2009 and included a discussion about personnel.

Petraeus was head of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) when Clinton took office in 2009 and then went on to become director of the CIA from 2011-12.

Officials said the emails in no way dealt with classified material. But their existence challenges Clinton's claim that she has handed over the entirety of her work emails from the account.

“In the last several days, the State Department received from the Department of Defense and the State Inspector General several copies of one email chain between former Secretary Clinton and then Commander of US Central Command David Petraeus which were not previously in the possession of the Department,” said State Department spokesman John Kirby.

Hillary, the gift that keeps on giving...

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