Starting to lean left


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
I have decided I like the lefty ideology. I just turned in my 2 weeks notice at work. Decided it would be easier if I just sat on my ass and make just as much if not more in benifits. "Share the wealth" has started getting my juices going. Just because they are successfull does not mean they shouldnt pay more in taxes, right? Just because we are spending ourselves into oblivion does not mean we should stop spending right? Fuck spending cuts! Thats for the birds!
Still have not figured out what my liberal definition of fair is though. Can someone help me?
ME, ME, ME is definetly the lefty call sign.

Sorry there TN but you just wouldn't fit in. LOL
ME, ME, ME is definetly the lefty call sign.

Sorry there TN but you just wouldn't fit in. LOL

List threads where leftists ate demanding things for themselves as individuals rather than things such as rights for oppressed groups.

It is the right crying buckets over individual rich taxpayerrs paying more. ME! ME! Trump rightwiing bitchy rather than left leaning Warren Buffett asking to pay more.

If such USMB threads can't be lie. Simple as that.

Regards from Rosie
ME, ME, ME is definetly the lefty call sign.

Sorry there TN but you just wouldn't fit in. LOL

List threads where leftists ate demanding things for themselves as individuals rather than things such as rights for oppressed groups.
Much as you'd like to not admit so, that's demanding things for yourself.

Altruism is a lie.
ME, ME, ME is definetly the lefty call sign.

Sorry there TN but you just wouldn't fit in. LOL

List threads where leftists ate demanding things for themselves as individuals rather than things such as rights for oppressed groups.
Much as you'd like to not admit so, that's demanding things for yourself.

Altruism is a lie.

Huh? Not so. There would not have been successful gay marriage initiatives if 100% hetero lefties such as myself didn't push for it. There are just not enuff LGBT votes to be had.

How about Cindy McCain? She's hetero rightie and fully openly in support of the H8 campaign against Prop 8. How is that in any way self-serving and non-altruistic - especially since John thinks Cindy and Meghan are wrong on this issue?

Putting yourself out there on the line for that from which you as an individual cannot benefit = altruism = ordinary everyday leftist behavior.

Regards from Rosie
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I have decided I like the lefty ideology. I just turned in my 2 weeks notice at work. Decided it would be easier if I just sat on my ass and make just as much if not more in benifits. "Share the wealth" has started getting my juices going. Just because they are successfull does not mean they shouldnt pay more in taxes, right? Just because we are spending ourselves into oblivion does not mean we should stop spending right? Fuck spending cuts! Thats for the birds!

How much will you be collecting in benefits?
I have decided I like the lefty ideology. I just turned in my 2 weeks notice at work. Decided it would be easier if I just sat on my ass and make just as much if not more in benifits. "Share the wealth" has started getting my juices going. Just because they are successfull does not mean they shouldnt pay more in taxes, right? Just because we are spending ourselves into oblivion does not mean we should stop spending right? Fuck spending cuts! Thats for the birds!
Who is John Galt?

I have decided I like the lefty ideology. I just turned in my 2 weeks notice at work. Decided it would be easier if I just sat on my ass and make just as much if not more in benifits. "Share the wealth" has started getting my juices going. Just because they are successfull does not mean they shouldnt pay more in taxes, right? Just because we are spending ourselves into oblivion does not mean we should stop spending right? Fuck spending cuts! Thats for the birds!
Who is John Galt?


Nice! lol
I have decided I like the lefty ideology. I just turned in my 2 weeks notice at work. Decided it would be easier if I just sat on my ass and make just as much if not more in benifits. "Share the wealth" has started getting my juices going. Just because they are successfull does not mean they shouldnt pay more in taxes, right? Just because we are spending ourselves into oblivion does not mean we should stop spending right? Fuck spending cuts! Thats for the birds!

(1) I suggest that you move to a Red State (if you don't already live in one). For some weird reason, right wingers (mostly overweight, undereducated white males) in the rural areas collect HUGE amounts of government money. It seems they are "retired," "retired early," "entrepreneurs" that only make about $12k per year and depend upon food stamps to support their families, "disabled" because they are just too fat to do anything, lack sufficient education/ambition to be sufficiently employed, or are alcoholics.

(2) Judging from your spelling ability, TNHarley, I suspect you already fit into the demographic I described in (1). I'd say your destiny is welfare.

(3) This will give you more time to devote to your local Tea Party group, and to call in your valuable opinions to your local AM right wing radio program.

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