Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Starbucks needs to stick to serving burnt tasting coffee and stay out of things like this.

We now live in an era in which corporate executives have grown convinced that their customers don’t merely want a product or a service, but spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. And they’re relying on their entry-level employees to provide it.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has decided that his 4,700-store enterprise is no longer just going to be offering customers coffee, frothy drinks, and overpriced pastries. His baristas will soon serve up a venti-size helping of social justice.

Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America Hot Air
All such comments by Starbucks employees should be met with a stock canned comment.

Mike Brown was a thug.
All I've seen working there are KIDS. this should go over real good. I hope they lose business. I'll be dammed if I'm going into some business to pay money and then be preached at.

Who drinks their high priced coffee anyway...
All I've seen working there are KIDS. this should go over real good. I hope they lose business. I'll be dammed if I'm going into some business to pay money and then be preached at.

Yeah, the last thing I want is some snot nosed brat trying to talk to me about race relations
Starbucks coffee sucks. Period, the OP is spot on - it all has a burnt flavor to it.
That s from over extraction of the bean.
Starbucks is only drinkable if you bombard it with sugars/cream/artificial flavorings and chocolate to cover the nasty ass coffee.
SO I don't go there, with or without social commentary.
How long before there's an altercation and someone sues them. I can just see an employee geetting punched and then suing Starbucks because they told them to talk about race. That will cost them a few million bucks.
Starbucks needs to stick to serving burnt tasting coffee and stay out of things like this.

We now live in an era in which corporate executives have grown convinced that their customers don’t merely want a product or a service, but spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. And they’re relying on their entry-level employees to provide it.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has decided that his 4,700-store enterprise is no longer just going to be offering customers coffee, frothy drinks, and overpriced pastries. His baristas will soon serve up a venti-size helping of social justice.

Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America Hot Air

Happy St Patricks day. Racist to have your own day right? Or is that only when blacks have their own?

This is probably why they didnt want guns in their stores so the racists wont go nutball when bringing up black people and rights
How long before there's an altercation and someone sues them. I can just see an employee geetting punched and then suing Starbucks because they told them to talk about race. That will cost them a few million bucks.
You mean when a RWNJ flips out and starts ranting about n*ggers?

Well it's optional to do anything at all so they have no grounds to sue on.
Starbucks needs to stick to serving burnt tasting coffee and stay out of things like this.

We now live in an era in which corporate executives have grown convinced that their customers don’t merely want a product or a service, but spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. And they’re relying on their entry-level employees to provide it.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has decided that his 4,700-store enterprise is no longer just going to be offering customers coffee, frothy drinks, and overpriced pastries. His baristas will soon serve up a venti-size helping of social justice.

Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America Hot Air

Happy St Patricks day. Racist to have your own day right? Or is that only when blacks have their own?

This is probably why they didnt want guns in their stores so the racists wont go nutball when bringing up black people and rights
All I've seen working there are KIDS. this should go over real good. I hope they lose business. I'll be dammed if I'm going into some business to pay money and then be preached at.

Yeah, the last thing I want is some snot nosed brat trying to talk to me about race relations
Then go ta a small town Cafe and mention Oblama and the place with be a din...of political thought....
Starbucks needs to stick to serving burnt tasting coffee and stay out of things like this.

We now live in an era in which corporate executives have grown convinced that their customers don’t merely want a product or a service, but spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. And they’re relying on their entry-level employees to provide it.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has decided that his 4,700-store enterprise is no longer just going to be offering customers coffee, frothy drinks, and overpriced pastries. His baristas will soon serve up a venti-size helping of social justice.

Starbucks employees now encouraged to berate you over thorny racial issues in America Hot Air
Berate? I don't see that but I suppose if you waltz in with your Negroes suck attitude you might be in for berating.

I'd personally tell anyone in a service position to stfu and give me my coffee.

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