Star Wars...can you say mediocre?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill was just kind of sorta okay'ish mediocre movie.
But not even in the same galaxy as the hype.
The main "bad guy"...Kylo Ren....seriously?? He is a bad guy wannabe played by a tall skinny teenager looking guy. He is about as bad ass as...well this guy:


The plot was basically round two of the 1977 original...but not as good...or really that close.

Summation... wait till it is available on DVD/Stream Rent...and then only if it is raining and you have nothing else to do.
Totally agree with you.

Massive fan of the original series, but this was a huge let down

Glad I was not the only one. And I'm not one of these 'trying to swim against the grain' kinda people. Was genuinely really looking forward to it.

You know things are going bad when you know exactly what is going to happen next because you've basically seen the movie before (Star Wars IV)...
I thought it was okay. Not great, but okay.

But the fault lies not in the stars but in ourselves.

when I saw Star Wars for the first time in 1977, it was new and magical and no one had ever made a movie like it before. But since then, we've had five more Star Wars Movies, 12 star trek movies, dozens of other films where the action scenes go for higher and higher stakes.

If Star Wars came out today, we'd probably find it boring. Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher were not particularly good actors, (which is why they had such limited careers). I think Abrams tried to recapture the original magic and couldn't because we all moved on.
I totally can.

I was extremely disappointed. Not really a lot original anywhere in that movie. Blatantly duplicates Episode IV.

IMO it was the worst of the seven previous movies. And yes, that includes Episode 1
Droid escapes a starship with Rebel data inside it.

Lands on desert planet. Finds hero of the story there.

Escapes planet in the Millenium Falcon.

Herod sneak around on space station trying not to get caught.

Beloved old man gets killed by bad guy.

Planet killing space station gets destroyed by rebel fighters.

Am I talking about Episode IV or VII?

Force Awakens was so focused on tribute and nostalgia and fan service that it failed to present its own epic, compelling, original badass story, and instead ripped off the original film to create A New Hope 2.0, except the original film was better, along with every other original and prequel movie in the franchise.

Droid escapes a starship with Rebel data inside it.

Lands on desert planet. Finds hero of the story there.

Escapes planet in the Millenium Falcon.

Herod sneak around on space station trying not to get caught.

Beloved old man gets killed by bad guy.

Planet killing space station gets destroyed by rebel fighters.

Am I talking about Episode IV or VII?

Well one difference...

The badass Sith Lord was beaten by an untrained teenager using a saber for the first time in her life...yeah...that would happen.

Darth Vader rolled over in his grave...
Force Awakens was so focused on tribute and nostalgia and fan service that it failed to present its own epic, compelling, original badass story, and instead ripped off the original film to create A New Hope 2.0, except the original film was better, along with every other original and prequel movie in the franchise. must have taken a whole hour to write the storyline.
I don't think I have ever seen a movie so blatantly ripoff another movie unless it was an actual remake.
Hollywood must be laughing their asses off as yet another cash grab reels in one sucker after another.
And I was one of them....sigh

And BTW - I am beginning to seriously doubt the integrity of IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes...8.5 stars??? 93% Fresh??? Really?
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Guess I'm alone here, I kinda liked it, but then again I look at things a bit differently.

Story...yeah, it's pretty much the same starting premise...but when you're going back to old school, you gotta go back to the roots, and doing something similar, then diverging is not the worst way to go. People can understand it...and if they're willing use their imaginations go beyond it and just enjoy the ride.

1 - Kylo Ren is a relatively untrained, but innately powerful Sith. He's still very conflicted, so needs external influences to feed his power. Note he let himself get shot with a mild wound, then used the pain. Note how many times he hits himself in the side trying to increase his power.

2 - Yes she's untrained, but if she's who we think, she would be innately very powerful, probably naturally more powerful than Kylo. Note also he's not trying to kill her, he's trying to turn her. If he's even slightly prescient, which he should be even largely untrained, perhaps he foresaw her standing on the other side of the chasm running from him.

I'm hoping for a big surprise as to whom the Sith Lord actually is, whom we merely see as a hologram. I holding out for Leia Organa as the mysterious Snoke. After all, killing her husband would have killed two birds with one stone if that's the case. It frees her, and her son from his influence.
Guess I'm alone here, I kinda liked it, but then again I look at things a bit differently.

Story...yeah, it's pretty much the same starting premise...but when you're going back to old school, you gotta go back to the roots, and doing something similar, then diverging is not the worst way to go. People can understand it...and if they're willing use their imaginations go beyond it and just enjoy the ride.

1 - Kylo Ren is a relatively untrained, but innately powerful Sith. He's still very conflicted, so needs external influences to feed his power. Note he let himself get shot with a mild wound, then used the pain. Note how many times he hits himself in the side trying to increase his power.

2 - Yes she's untrained, but if she's who we think, she would be innately very powerful, probably naturally more powerful than Kylo. Note also he's not trying to kill her, he's trying to turn her. If he's even slightly prescient, which he should be even largely untrained, perhaps he foresaw her standing on the other side of the chasm running from him.

I'm hoping for a big surprise as to whom the Sith Lord actually is, whom we merely see as a hologram. I holding out for Leia Organa as the mysterious Snoke. After all, killing her husband would have killed two birds with one stone if that's the case. It frees her, and her son from his influence.

That would seem unlikely. Besides the fact Carrie Fisher doesn't have the acting chops to pull that off without it looking silly, but on a logical level, she was on the target planet for Death Star III, hoping that her forces could destroy it before it blew her up. That doesn't seem like a very good plan.
Guess I'm alone here, I kinda liked it, but then again I look at things a bit differently.

Story...yeah, it's pretty much the same starting premise...but when you're going back to old school, you gotta go back to the roots, and doing something similar, then diverging is not the worst way to go. People can understand it...and if they're willing use their imaginations go beyond it and just enjoy the ride.

1 - Kylo Ren is a relatively untrained, but innately powerful Sith. He's still very conflicted, so needs external influences to feed his power. Note he let himself get shot with a mild wound, then used the pain. Note how many times he hits himself in the side trying to increase his power.

2 - Yes she's untrained, but if she's who we think, she would be innately very powerful, probably naturally more powerful than Kylo. Note also he's not trying to kill her, he's trying to turn her. If he's even slightly prescient, which he should be even largely untrained, perhaps he foresaw her standing on the other side of the chasm running from him.

I'm hoping for a big surprise as to whom the Sith Lord actually is, whom we merely see as a hologram. I holding out for Leia Organa as the mysterious Snoke. After all, killing her husband would have killed two birds with one stone if that's the case. It frees her, and her son from his influence.

That would seem unlikely. Besides the fact Carrie Fisher doesn't have the acting chops to pull that off without it looking silly, but on a logical level, she was on the target planet for Death Star III, hoping that her forces could destroy it before it blew her up. That doesn't seem like a very good plan.

Agreed her acting chops are pretty weak. The Dark Side is about emotion, not logic and if she foresaw the destruction of the danger.

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