Star Trek is better than it used to be

Being possibly the 'best' and more recent thread on Star Trek, here's a slight divergence into technical matters;

Star Trek finally solves a huge mystery about starship technology​

The most important part of a starship in Star Trek canon is the one thing we almost never see in action. Although a big, giant main deflector dish is a central part of the physical design of nearly every single famous Starfleet vessel, actual onscreen depictions of the deflector dish being used for its intended purpose are borderline non-existent. Until now.

Here’s how Star Trek: Lower Decks finally made the most innocuous parts of Trek technology look awesome. Spoilers ahead for Lower Decks Season 3, Episode 4, “Room For Growth.”

It has always been assumed that the deflector is constantly operating, and that the energy it puts out is not in the visible spectrum of the human eye

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