Stagflation right around the corner


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Lower and lower economic growth coupled by higher and higher inflation = Stagflation, which is one of the worst economic fates you can experience.

Can democrats leave office in time to blame it all on Orange man?

If not, how will they blame him, which you know they will.

Lower and lower economic growth coupled by higher and higher inflation = Stagflation, which is one of the worst economic fates you can experience.

Can democrats leave office in time to blame it all on Orange man?

If not, how will they blame him, which you know they will.
That isn't what's happening out here in the really real world.
We’ve been hearing about a supposed Recession that never happened for over three years

Taking advice from these idiots is worse than stupid

Lower and lower economic growth coupled by higher and higher inflation = Stagflation, which is one of the worst economic fates you can experience.

Can democrats leave office in time to blame it all on Orange man?

If not, how will they blame him, which you know they will.
They will blame his first administration and say that Quid Pro just didn't have the time to fix it, to the exact instant TRUMP! re-takes office.
Stagflation, which is one of the worst economic fates you can experience.

They want to make certain they leave an incurable situation. Then they will use the filthy MSM daily to blame Trump for not fixing it. In 2008 they blamed GWB every day for creating it (housing bust). When it was Congress that failed to act in 2007 to stop the collapse. All a scheme to get the first Kenyan muslim into the office and then the Globalist took over using him as a puppet.
That isn't what's happening out here in the really real world.

4 of us working today picked up sandwiches for lunch, a couple fountain sodas and one cookie each.
Over 75 dollars.. Thats normal?? granted I live in California, but still... costs are just going up and up.

You can bet, Should Trump win, the same people who are saying everything is great now to protect Biden will change their story. And sure we may have added some new jobs, but we also increased our population by 10 million new immigrants in the last four years. People are living of credit right now and tapping into their retirement funds to make it. When thos echickens all come home to roost, someone will take the blame who had nothing to do with it, because we have a current administration who cant take responsibility.

Lower and lower economic growth coupled by higher and higher inflation = Stagflation, which is one of the worst economic fates you can experience.

Can democrats leave office in time to blame it all on Orange man?

If not, how will they blame him, which you know they will.

When does this happen?
Eat somewhere else.

Right. My friend picked up the food at a independent Sub shop, but even so, Mc Donalds around here isnt that much better. These businesses in the bay area have big costs. taxes, high wages and high rents, its getting harder and harder to find somewhere else

Lower and lower economic growth coupled by higher and higher inflation = Stagflation, which is one of the worst economic fates you can experience.

Can democrats leave office in time to blame it all on Orange man?

If not, how will they blame him, which you know they will.

What stagflation?

Lower and lower economic growth coupled by higher and higher inflation = Stagflation, which is one of the worst economic fates you can experience.

Can democrats leave office in time to blame it all on Orange man?

If not, how will they blame him, which you know they will.

Trump supporters blame the inflation increase in 2021 on Biden. Even though a lot of it was Trumps shopping spree's with Pelosi and Ryan.
JT Young, the author of this opinion piece, is with the Federalist, and a long time hardcore conservative.

Mr. Young can't predict what's going to happen, and anyone who knows anything about economics knows that there are too many conflicting currents to even try. They also know that underlying economic conditions and trends don't turn on a dime. After pumping $11 trillion in stimulus into the economy since 2009, after keeping interest rates artificially low for even longer, after making the Fed just as important to the economy as the freakin' consumer, we've known all along that we've been priming this pump for a long time. Including four Presidents.

Stagflation? Maybe, maybe not. Mr. Young sure as hell doesn't know, no matter how much he hopes it happens.
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Everything slows down. While inflation remains high.
Some can read statistics .
Others can only see what they think is just in front of their nose .

No peripheral vision or the ability to accurately forecast the short and medium term based on probability .

A sort of De CrepitUS Vitus Dance Disease with no current cure other than the guillotine
Right. My friend picked up the food at an independent Sub shop, but even so, Mc Donalds around here isnt that much better. These businesses in the bay area have big costs. taxes, high wages and high rents, its getting harder and harder to find somewhere else
Just stay home fuckup

Lower and lower economic growth coupled by higher and higher inflation = Stagflation, which is one of the worst economic fates you can experience.

Can democrats leave office in time to blame it all on Orange man?

If not, how will they blame him, which you know they will.


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