Stacey Dash black/Hispanic actress is crucified for....


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009

"Stacey Dash, best known for her character in the 1990s movie “Clueless” and now known for a recent cable-TV drama “Single Ladies”, is half-black and half-Mexican. Tweets responding to her Twitter post in support of Romney were extremely racist – as many of the responses were “black-on-black” racist remarks"

Washington Post

The ever welcoming kind non racist liberals are showing their true colors. And it's ugly.
People on the internet are dicks. Don't go on xbox live, everyone is a racist and all the kids have potty mouths.

But it amusing try to label these people.

"Stacey Dash, best known for her character in the 1990s movie “Clueless” and now known for a recent cable-TV drama “Single Ladies”, is half-black and half-Mexican. Tweets responding to her Twitter post in support of Romney were extremely racist – as many of the responses were “black-on-black” racist remarks"

Washington Post

The ever welcoming kind non racist liberals are showing their true colors. And it's ugly.

Confirmation bias much? What a load of horseshit.......

Are you so blinded by partisanship that you don't see racism is prevelant across the entire political spectrum, in one form or another?

Tell us how this is worse than the jackasses who want to put the "white" back in the White House?

Racism sucks no matter who it's coming from. Claiming one side is racist while ignoring the other sucks even more.

"Stacey Dash, best known for her character in the 1990s movie “Clueless” and now known for a recent cable-TV drama “Single Ladies”, is half-black and half-Mexican. Tweets responding to her Twitter post in support of Romney were extremely racist – as many of the responses were “black-on-black” racist remarks"

Washington Post

The ever welcoming kind non racist liberals are showing their true colors. And it's ugly.

Confirmation bias much? What a load of horseshit.......

Are you so blinded by partisanship that you don't see racism is prevelant across the entire political spectrum, in one form or another?

Tell us how this is worse than the jackasses who want to put the "white" back in the White House?

Racism sucks no matter who it's coming from. Claiming one side is racist while ignoring the other sucks even more.

Call Getty Images and ask them about that photo. It's one of theirs. Do you need the number?

I would suggest you do that before you make an even bigger fucking prat of yourself.



More bullshit 'evidence' from the 'middle'.... if, by 'middle' you mean yet another left wing hack. It's laughable what desperate people will fall for these days.
LOL, CG didn't like that one at all, did she? God forbid we should be reasonably minded and acknowledge that there are idiots on both sides who do detestable shit like this. Oh no, we have to be rightist partisan hacks. Anything short of being a right wing partisan hack is being a raging liberal. :lol:

CG, get some Preparation H and get over your butthurt already.
LOL, CG didn't like that one at all, did she? God forbid we should be reasonably minded and acknowledge that there are idiots on both sides who do detestable shit like this. Oh no, we have to be rightist partisan hacks. Anything short of being a right wing partisan hack is being a raging liberal. :lol:

CG, get some Preparation H and get over your butthurt already.

And I'll tell you why I don't like it.... I don't like hack sites as 'evidence' images. Each and every one of these - other than the one from tri-cities (do they know you stole a copyrighted image, btw?) are hack sites and the photos are more likely to be faked than real.

You bore me with your bullshit 'middle'.

"Stacey Dash, best known for her character in the 1990s movie “Clueless” and now known for a recent cable-TV drama “Single Ladies”, is half-black and half-Mexican. Tweets responding to her Twitter post in support of Romney were extremely racist – as many of the responses were “black-on-black” racist remarks"

Washington Post

The ever welcoming kind non racist liberals are showing their true colors. And it's ugly.

I dont care what her politics are about....DAMN SHE IS FINE.

"Stacey Dash, best known for her character in the 1990s movie “Clueless” and now known for a recent cable-TV drama “Single Ladies”, is half-black and half-Mexican. Tweets responding to her Twitter post in support of Romney were extremely racist – as many of the responses were “black-on-black” racist remarks"

Washington Post

The ever welcoming kind non racist liberals are showing their true colors. And it's ugly.

Confirmation bias much? What a load of horseshit.......

Are you so blinded by partisanship that you don't see racism is prevelant across the entire political spectrum, in one form or another?

Tell us how this is worse than the jackasses who want to put the "white" back in the White House?

Racism sucks no matter who it's coming from. Claiming one side is racist while ignoring the other sucks even more.

Call Getty Images and ask them about that photo. It's one of theirs. Do you need the number?

I would suggest you do that before you make an even bigger fucking prat of yourself.


Thanks for proving my point!

Your head is so buried up your ass you think one photo proves or disproves anything?

I'm not talking about one photo, you ignorant fuck.

Are you really going to sit there and deny the fact that there are racist, right wing assholes who hate the fact that there's a black man in the White House?

Goddamn your stupidity shows sometimes.
Confirmation bias much? What a load of horseshit.......

Are you so blinded by partisanship that you don't see racism is prevelant across the entire political spectrum, in one form or another?

Tell us how this is worse than the jackasses who want to put the "white" back in the White House?

Racism sucks no matter who it's coming from. Claiming one side is racist while ignoring the other sucks even more.

Call Getty Images and ask them about that photo. It's one of theirs. Do you need the number?

I would suggest you do that before you make an even bigger fucking prat of yourself.


Thanks for proving my point!

Your head is so buried up your ass you think one photo proves or disproves anything?

I'm not talking about one photo, you ignorant fuck.

Are you really going to sit there and deny the fact that there are racist, right wing assholes who hate the fact that there's a black man in the White House?

Goddamn your stupidity shows sometimes.

In other words, you don't want to call Getty Images... who, fyi, pulled the image from their site. Now, image libraries do not pull images for no reason... that hits their profits.

The 'ignorant fuck', sweetie, is you... you use whatever bullshit you're handed without bothering to source it. More fucking fool you.

No one is denying there are racists who hate the black guy in the white house... but that image was not one of them.... it was a set up. And all you do by validating that behavior is make it easier for real racists - regardless of their skin color - to create more bullshit. I - for one - will not stand idly by and allow racists to win.
Call Getty Images and ask them about that photo. It's one of theirs. Do you need the number?

I would suggest you do that before you make an even bigger fucking prat of yourself.


Thanks for proving my point!

Your head is so buried up your ass you think one photo proves or disproves anything?

I'm not talking about one photo, you ignorant fuck.

Are you really going to sit there and deny the fact that there are racist, right wing assholes who hate the fact that there's a black man in the White House?

Goddamn your stupidity shows sometimes.

In other words, you don't want to call Getty Images... who, fyi, pulled the image from their site. Now, image libraries do not pull images for no reason... that hits their profits.

The 'ignorant fuck', sweetie, is you... you use whatever bullshit you're handed without bothering to source it. More fucking fool you.

No one is denying there are racists who hate the black guy in the white house... but that image was not one of them.... it was a set up. And all you do by validating that behavior is make it easier for real racists - regardless of their skin color - to create more bullshit. I - for one - will not stand idly by and allow racists to win.


Stop!! You're killing me!

Let me reiterate since you seemed to miss it the first time: I'm not talking about one photo, you ignorant fuck.

You keep using it, I'll keep pointing out that the image is a set up. Call Getty Images and find out for yourself. Fucking mindless hack.

I would not doubt that the shooting of the window at the Obama headquarters...and the shooting of the windows at the Romney/Ryan offices...and the "****** signs"...and the "KKK" signs...

....were all done by people favoring the attacked group. Tawanah Brawley comes to mind. Lies, lies, lies!

It's just idiots from both sides....looking to fan the flames and create some chaos. I don't know that Mitt and Paul want any of this shit on their side, but I think Obama welcomes it as an excuse to consider his imposing martial law. Wait and see how much shit is thrown closer to election day. Let some real demonstrations take place right after the election and Obama will declare himself King until things are straightened out. Hell, he might have to postpone the inauguration of Mitt Romney!...not sure the country is ready for it!
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