'SSDD' - Top Resistance Member Admits He Gets PAID To 'Resist'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Top Resistance Member - self-identified as “the co-founder of multiple tech-related news websites and blogs" - a notorious anti-Trump troll - a 'scam artist' already subjected to a federal raid - using his platform to bash the President daily admits that he is being paid for his tweets...and poor, easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes are getting played by his 'commitment to the Resistance'.

Bwuhahaha....BS! Brian Krassenstein is committed to GETTING PAID.

Any time you hear 'grass roots movement' spoken by a Democrat / Liberal it has been proven to mean 'FUNDED Manipulation Operation / Counter-Intelligence Operation'.

During the 2016 election it was proven that Hillary's campaign paid a group to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters.

It was proven that from 2014 - 2016 Barak Obama was aware of the Russians using social media to successfully manipulate snowflakes into organizing and marching for them but ALSO were successfully getting willing Liberal Groups (Antifa, BLM, The Black Fist) to take cash for spreading false racial division and violence.

Recently it was revealed that anti-Trump protestors were paid / their bail was paid after being arrested by George Soros.

And now we learn that the top members of the 'Resistance' are also being PAID,

Jonathon Gruber said it best a few years ago when he was exposed for saying the average Democratic voter is STUPID. He pointed out that they are SHEEP - followers, not leaders, that they will believe almost anything they are told, and that Democrats depend on how stupid they are to get away with what they do get away with.


So this story, and the other cases in which 'Activists' stepped up and LED demonstrate that when you see a story, article, or instance when a 'DEMOCRAT' is LEADING, ACTIVELY stepping forward to do something, more likely than not they are being PAID to do so. The sheep would not do anything on their own - they are not self-motivated leaders, They are easily manipulated followers.

Top ‘Resistance’ Member Admits He Gets Paid by “Higher Ups” to “Sow the Division”
KrassenSTEIN - couldn't be ZIONIST, could he???


Israel is behind all of it, from JFK to 911 and ISIS.

What does your JDAAC PREACHER say?

Are you "anti semitic" for noticing?
Top Resistance Member - self-identified as “the co-founder of multiple tech-related news websites and blogs" - a notorious anti-Trump troll - a 'scam artist' already subjected to a federal raid - using his platform to bash the President daily admits that he is being paid for his tweets...and poor, easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes are getting played by his 'commitment to the Resistance'.

Bwuhahaha....BS! Brian Krassenstein is committed to GETTING PAID.

Any time you hear 'grass roots movement' spoken by a Democrat / Liberal it has been proven to mean 'FUNDED Manipulation Operation / Counter-Intelligence Operation'.

During the 2016 election it was proven that Hillary's campaign paid a group to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters.

It was proven that from 2014 - 2016 Barak Obama was aware of the Russians using social media to successfully manipulate snowflakes into organizing and marching for them but ALSO were successfully getting willing Liberal Groups (Antifa, BLM, The Black Fist) to take cash for spreading false racial division and violence.

Recently it was revealed that anti-Trump protestors were paid / their bail was paid after being arrested by George Soros.

And now we learn that the top members of the 'Resistance' are also being PAID,

Jonathon Gruber said it best a few years ago when he was exposed for saying the average Democratic voter is STUPID. He pointed out that they are SHEEP - followers, not leaders, that they will believe almost anything they are told, and that Democrats depend on how stupid they are to get away with what they do get away with.


So this story, and the other cases in which 'Activists' stepped up and LED demonstrate that when you see a story, article, or instance when a 'DEMOCRAT' is LEADING, ACTIVELY stepping forward to do something, more likely than not they are being PAID to do so. The sheep would not do anything on their own - they are not self-motivated leaders, They are easily manipulated followers.

Top ‘Resistance’ Member Admits He Gets Paid by “Higher Ups” to “Sow the Division”

How's that different than folks like Lahota?
the average Democratic voter is STUPID
and you'd be "anti-semitic" if you disagree with CHOSEN Mr. Gruber
REALLY? Are you saying that in declaring the average democratic party voter to be stupid Gruber was making a veiled anti-Semitic attack against all 'average democratic party voters'? Are you trying to claim all average liberal voters are Jewish?

Do you actually think your comments through before just posting whatever comes into that little snowflake head?
Mr Gruber is Jewish

Mr. Gruber said all Dem voters are stupid

To you and every other sold out piece of shit sub human, anyone who disagrees with a Jew deserves a card toss.

Hence, to disagree with Mr. Gruber is to embrace cards tossed at you by sub humans like Easy...

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