Squirrel-Girl/Catra: Commerce Cathedral(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a consumerism-Utopianism vignette involving Squirrel Girl (a nature-loving comic book heroine) and Catra (a seductive fantasy-land comic book penultimate 'villainess') coming to terms with toy-design based social disgust!

I'm going to be a 'cautious citizen' of TrumpUSA...


Squirrel Girl was transported to a secret dimension where spirits/humanoids were not only resembling the mutant superhumans on Earth such a Magneto and Rogue, but (in fact), they were much more beautiful (and simultaneously evil/dangerous!). Squirrel Girl met the 'empress' of this land, a diabolical and hypnotic femme-fatale feline freak named Catra. Like Squirrel Girl, Catra was semi-animal, but while Squirrel Girl was linked to the simple squirrel, Catra was linked to the amorous cat. Catra was both seditious and brilliant! Catra's male-slaves found her irresistible.

Squirrel Girl decided to challenge Catra's 'dominion' by distributing toy water-pistols to all the kids in Catra's 'realm.' Since kids are not 'voters' in a consumerism-state but like buying toys, Squirrel Girl could use a 'marketing' angle to dismantle Catra's grip on the mental control over fashion and youth-education (through toys!). Squirrel Girl distributed about 200 clear plastic red-colored water-pistols to kids all over Catra's planet (which was called Xanadu).

Catra was enraged and had Squirrel Girl brought before her in her palace-fortress. She demanded to know why Squirrel Girl was a semi-animal (like her), and Squirrel Girl explained she was from Earth where spirits tended to mutate and merge with animals for very governance-oriented intelligence/imagination --- not power pyramids or revolutionary bravado (therefore Earthlings like Squirrel Girl were 'totems' of the humbled fascination with Mother Nature).

Catra became extremely jealous of Squirrel Girl and wanted to know where she procured so many water-pistols to distribute to kids in Xanadu, and Squirrel Girl explained she found an abandoned plastics-factory in Xanadu and used her magic powers to fashion 200 toy water-guns one dark and gloomy night. Catra realized her grip on the spiritual domination over the kids of Xanadu was inevitably fracturing, so she told Squirrel Girl to return to Earth to prevent full war. Squirrel Girl agreed but made Catra promise her that she would enforce a 'consumerism-based referendum.'



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