Squip: A White House Dinosaur


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It's funny how media-gauged 'populism-politics' controversy in America has generated its own brand of festive 'alienation storytelling.'

This one (my final one I think!) was inspired by the invasion-sarcasm film Mars Attacks! and references a feminism-symbolic (arguably) George O'Keeffe painting I really like.

Signing off,


A special George O'Keeffe painting was being presented at the White House during First Lady Melania Trump's special meeting about women in modern politics. The painting was of an interesting multi-colored blue-green flower with a yellow bulb signifying humanity's fascination with the feminine mystique and the fertility-consciousness associated with the inviting qualities of Earth's flora. Mrs. Trump called the painting the Feminist's Eye, and it generated a good deal of controversy among anti-TrumpUSA protesters who insisted the feminism-themed meeting was a crude ploy to detract attention away from the fact that the Trump Administration was ignoring domestic concerns in preference for nuclear war priorities and NATO in regards to North Korea.


A time-travelling impish mercenary named Squip landed on Earth and heard of this feminism-party at the White House hosted by Melania Trump. Squip also learned of the controversy generated by Melania's trumpeting of the O'Keeffe painting and wanted to exploit the media hysteria. You see, Squip was a creature-like goblin (small in size but big in mischief) who wielded an evil machete. Squip went about Earth hunting down practicing witches still living in America and used his machete to split them in half! He then burned their split bodies and delivered the ashes to the White House with the ominous note, "Let Starbucks coffee restore the health of these 'witches' outcasted by 'modern America' (even feminists)!"



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