Sport and Education


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Are one and the same. In many ways, sport is an important aspect of education. It should be respected as such.
As long as it's not all about participation trophies, that's not sport that's some social club where everybody feels good about themselves and each other
You can be educated without sports. There is nothing bad about including sports in a child's education, and I agree with having some form of PE in public schools. Sport is not education, though.
As long as it's not all about participation trophies, that's not sport that's some social club where everybody feels good about themselves and each other

You don't know much about being on a team, or being an athlete..
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You can be educated without sports. There is nothing bad about including sports in a child's education, and I agree with having some form of PE in public schools. Sport is not education, though.

What is "education" then?
You can be educated without sports. There is nothing bad about including sports in a child's education, and I agree with having some form of PE in public schools. Sport is not education, though.

I disagree! Sports teach teamwork & cooperation and working together with others who have different personalities, goals, skill sets and talents; planning, time management, success and failure are things needed to prepare someone to enter the adult workforce.

Sports and the arts teach discipline, and success after repeated failures, to play an instrument, draw a picture or speak, dance or sing on as stage and in front of a crowd, public speaking which creates fear in many people.

PE is different than sport, PE is, or should be, part of a broad curriculum: Health. There is more to school than reading, writing, computing and critical thinking, these are skill sets which contribute to a mentally healthy lifestyle, and PE augments what we all know, but sometimes forget or are too lazy to do. Credit to the First Lady for bringing nutrition and exercise to the table, and to the one I most recently called a curmudgeon.

Why should jocks be given a free ride through college while the handful of academic achievers, many of who studied the sciences and mathematics, be given little to no help with their college bills?

If the United States wants to invest in it's future it should be giving the academic achievers in science and mathematics a free ride through college.

The jocks get enough glory with their stadiums, awards, and news headlines.



Why should jocks be given a free ride through college while the handful of academic achievers, many of who studied the sciences and mathematics, be given little to no help with their college bills?

If the United States wants to invest in it's future it should be giving the academic achievers in science and mathematics a free ride through college.

The jocks get enough glory with their stadiums, awards, and news headlines.



I agree, Bernie has the right idea. But, don't forget Football and Basketball bring in revenue, and more than compensate the U. when tickets are sold, concessions purchased and parking fees charged.
Sports is important.
Not as important as the 3 R’s.
If it comes down to instruction on the 3 R’s or sports, sports should always take a backseat.
Further, schools should not be involved in sports that require a large amount of student time such as leaving school to travel to games across town or sometimes across the state.
If you want your kid to play big time volleyball or softball, have them try out for a private team.
Funding is tight the way it is; spending money on gasoline, uniforms, fields of play etc… is an extravagance that we cannot afford.

Why should jocks be given a free ride through college while the handful of academic achievers, many of who studied the sciences and mathematics, be given little to no help with their college bills?

If the United States wants to invest in it's future it should be giving the academic achievers in science and mathematics a free ride through college.

The jocks get enough glory with their stadiums, awards, and news headlines.



I agree, Bernie has the right idea. But, don't forget Football and Basketball bring in revenue, and more than compensate the U. when tickets are sold, concessions purchased and parking fees charged.

Only at the highest level do sports pay for themselves. Most colleges lose money on sports.

Why should jocks be given a free ride through college while the handful of academic achievers, many of who studied the sciences and mathematics, be given little to no help with their college bills?

If the United States wants to invest in it's future it should be giving the academic achievers in science and mathematics a free ride through college.

The jocks get enough glory with their stadiums, awards, and news headlines.


Let go of that bitterness before it consumes you.

Why should those high-achievers in Science get high-paying jobs after college? Why should the best musicians have successful careers in the music industry? Why should the most beautiful girls have careers in film or modeling, etc.? Because those people have unique skills in a given area. If you don't, try to gain those skills or get the fuck over it. Meanwhile, those trying to gain such skills will also gain much more - and you will just sit there munching on your sour grapes.
... schools should not be involved in sports that require a large amount of student time such as leaving school to travel to games across town or sometimes across the state.
If you want your kid to play big time volleyball or softball, have them try out for a private team.
Funding is tight the way it is; spending money on gasoline, uniforms, fields of play etc… is an extravagance that we cannot afford.

You can be educated without sports. There is nothing bad about including sports in a child's education, and I agree with having some form of PE in public schools. Sport is not education, though.

What is "education" then?

Education is getting knowledge. That can be done with sports, but is not a necessity. If someone already knows how to play a sport, they don't have to stop doing it, it just may not involve any sort of education any longer.

I'm not anti-sports, I'm just saying they are not necessarily a form of education. They can simply be an enjoyable physical activity. Education and sport are certainly not one and the same, that's obvious. One can get education sitting in front of a computer by one's self, or sitting at a desk in a classroom, or in any number of ways which have nothing whatsoever to do with sports. Your OP stated that sport and education are one and the same, I am saying they are not. Even when sports are a form of education, education is not sport. ;)
You can be educated without sports. There is nothing bad about including sports in a child's education, and I agree with having some form of PE in public schools. Sport is not education, though.

I disagree! Sports teach teamwork & cooperation and working together with others who have different personalities, goals, skill sets and talents; planning, time management, success and failure are things needed to prepare someone to enter the adult workforce.

Sports and the arts teach discipline, and success after repeated failures, to play an instrument, draw a picture or speak, dance or sing on as stage and in front of a crowd, public speaking which creates fear in many people.

PE is different than sport, PE is, or should be, part of a broad curriculum: Health. There is more to school than reading, writing, computing and critical thinking, these are skill sets which contribute to a mentally healthy lifestyle, and PE augments what we all know, but sometimes forget or are too lazy to do. Credit to the First Lady for bringing nutrition and exercise to the table, and to the one I most recently called a curmudgeon.

I could learn teamwork and cooperation playing board games, that doesn't mean I would describe them as a form of education. :p

Yes, sports can educate, but this seems to be about labeling sports as something else just to try and garner respect. I see no reason to do so. Sports are sports. They can be respected on their own merits rather than trying to tie them to something like school.

Put another way, a person might have learned cooking as part of their education, but that doesn't mean I will think of cooking as a form of education. :D

Why should jocks be given a free ride through college while the handful of academic achievers, many of who studied the sciences and mathematics, be given little to no help with their college bills?

If the United States wants to invest in it's future it should be giving the academic achievers in science and mathematics a free ride through college.

The jocks get enough glory with their stadiums, awards, and news headlines.


Let go of that bitterness before it consumes you.

Why should those high-achievers in Science get high-paying jobs after college? Why should the best musicians have successful careers in the music industry? Why should the most beautiful girls have careers in film or modeling, etc.? Because those people have unique skills in a given area. If you don't, try to gain those skills or get the fuck over it. Meanwhile, those trying to gain such skills will also gain much more - and you will just sit there munching on your sour grapes.


That's fine. Then let's do away with all scholarships and free rides through college. Most especially those dealing with sports where a exceptional player can always join the pro's and make millions.


You can be educated without sports. There is nothing bad about including sports in a child's education, and I agree with having some form of PE in public schools. Sport is not education, though.

I disagree! Sports teach teamwork & cooperation and working together with others who have different personalities, goals, skill sets and talents; planning, time management, success and failure are things needed to prepare someone to enter the adult workforce.

Sports and the arts teach discipline, and success after repeated failures, to play an instrument, draw a picture or speak, dance or sing on as stage and in front of a crowd, public speaking which creates fear in many people.

PE is different than sport, PE is, or should be, part of a broad curriculum: Health. There is more to school than reading, writing, computing and critical thinking, these are skill sets which contribute to a mentally healthy lifestyle, and PE augments what we all know, but sometimes forget or are too lazy to do. Credit to the First Lady for bringing nutrition and exercise to the table, and to the one I most recently called a curmudgeon.

I could learn teamwork and cooperation playing board games...

Not the same way.
.... let's do away with all scholarships and free rides through college.....

How about NO?



As summarized by your above statement 'if you don't have the skills and willpower to make it on your own then go munch on your sour grapes because you shouldn't need that kind of help no matter who you are'.


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