Speech Geert Wilders in Berlin, 3 September 2011


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Islamization is the biggest treat for the West. Unfortunately many lefts and liberals are too politically correct, too corrupt and too stupid, hardly working together with Islamists for establishment of Caliphates instead of Democracies.Here is the Speech Geert Wilders in Berlin, he was invited by German Stadkewiz's Anti-Islam Freedom Party.

Speech Geert Wilders Berlijn (Engels)
Paris Bans Muslim Street Prayers...
Paris ban on Muslim street prayers comes into effect
16 September 2011 - Street prayers have become political issue
A ban on saying prayers in the street, a practice by French Muslims unable to find space in mosques, has come into effect in the capital, Paris. Interior Minister Claude Gueant has offered believers the use of a disused fire brigade barracks instead. The phenomenon of street prayers, which see Muslims spreading mats on footpaths, became a political issue after far right protests.

France is home to the biggest Muslim minority in Western Europe. By some estimates, as many as six million French people, or just under 10% of the population, are Muslims, with origins in France's former North African colonies. Their integration has been a source of political debate in recent years, and earlier this year France became the first EU state to ban the wearing of the Islamic veil in public.

'Mosques co-operating'

The new ban came into force at midnight (22:00 GMT) on Thursday, in time for traditional Muslim Friday prayers. Speaking earlier this week to Le Figaro, Mr Gueant said about 1,000 people were using two streets in the capital's multi-ethnic Goutte d'Or district for prayers. He said an agreement had been reached with two local mosques for the state to rent out the disused barracks on Boulevard Ney with floorspace of 2,000 sq m (yds) for three years. To encourage believers to use the new space, prayers would not be held inside the existing mosques for the first few weeks. He said he did not believe force would have to be used to impose the ban because dialogue was "bearing fruit".

The minister said similar problems with street prayers existed in two other cities, Marseille and Nice. Responding to Mr Gueant's plan, Mohamed Salah Hamza, an imam in the Goutte d'Or, said preparations at the barracks were behind schedule, and he feared a "climate of anarchy". "We are not cattle," he was quoted as saying by France's TF1 News. Far right protests at the "Islamisation" of the Goutte d'Or district began last year and in December the leader of the French National Front, Marine Le Pen, accused Muslim fundamentalists of using prayers for political ends. She controversially compared the practice to the Nazi wartime occupation of France.

BBC News - Paris ban on Muslim street prayers comes into effect

See also:

Stop the Islamization of America
Friday, 16 September 2011 - Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Pamela Geller, the founder, editor, and publisher of AtlasShrugs.com. She is the executive director of Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), as well as the Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI), and is a regular columnist for the American Thinker, Human Events, and other publications. She is the author of the new book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.

Frontpage Interview
Wilders' speech draw 600 visitors and many chairs in the conference hall he was speaking stayed empty. Even after entrance price was lowered to 5 €.
Geert Wilders in Berlin - Lektionen für die "Endlich sagt es mal jemand"-Fraktion - Politik - sueddeutsche.de

The party which invited Wilders for a speech has no chance in the elections for Berlin's City Parliament .

In your pariah turkey, you're arrested merely for criticizing that shithole country. Utter one word about the Turks role in the Armenian genocide and you'll go to prison for life.

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