Speaking of Blago...11 Years Later & Deep State FBI Refuses To Turn Over 302 & Transcript


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

It’s Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON’T
Turn Over Transcript and 302 of Barack Obama’s
Blagojevich Interview …What Are They Hiding?

'Over 11 years ago, FBI interviewed Barack Obama about sale of his Senate seat. There's a FBI "302" report of interview. Rather than releasing document, DOJ has fought 'Judicial Watch' tooth and nail to keep it secret.'

It's Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON'T Turn Over Transcript and 302 of Barack Obama's Blagojevich Interview ...What Are They Hiding?/

Two days ago, the Trump cultists would have universally said Blago was a corrupt Democrat. (As would all Dems. Difference is, we still say that.)

Today, they tell us Blago is the unjustly persecuted victim, solely because DearLeader decided that he liked Blago.

If there's one thing Trump cultists are good at, it's flipflopping the instant they're told to flipflop.

Two days ago, the Trump cultists would have universally said Blago was a corrupt Democrat. (As would all Dems. Difference is, we still say that.)

Today, they tell us Blago is the unjustly persecuted victim, solely because DearLeader decided that he liked Blago.

If there's one thing Trump cultists are good at, it's flipflopping the instant they're told to flipflop.
please show me anyone saying blago is an unjustly persecuted victim.

no one has done that. the implication is more if he's dirty why isn't obama?

now why don't you try to sanitize buying your seats in our government.

Two days ago, the Trump cultists would have universally said Blago was a corrupt Democrat. (As would all Dems. Difference is, we still say that.)

Today, they tell us Blago is the unjustly persecuted victim, solely because DearLeader decided that he liked Blago.

If there's one thing Trump cultists are good at, it's flipflopping the instant they're told to flipflop.
The world has become topsy turvy. Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed.
You do know his conviction for trying to sell the seat was overturned along with other counts, yet his sentencing was never revisited. And he was commuted, not pardoned.

I don’t care which side of the aisle you are on, or if you are a jerk, corrupt justice is bad for everyone.
Two days ago, the Trump cultists would have universally said Blago was a corrupt Democrat.
Blago IS a corrupt Democrat, who went to jail. Nothing has changed....except he was given a pardon.
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The world has become topsy turvy. Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed.

You're an idiot. There is nothing corrupt about a President and his issuing Pardons.

Did you wet yourself this much when Clinton Pardoned his Whitewater Conspirators, Clinton pal Marc Rich, or FALN terrorists? Did you gnash your teeth and warn of 'Armageddon' when Barry Pardoned terrorist members of the Weathermen Underground / FALN?

I severely doubt it.....
please show me anyone saying blago is an unjustly persecuted victim.

Depotoo did that. Along with Trump. Why else commute a sentence, unless you think the sentence was unjust?

no one has done that. the implication is more if he's dirty why isn't obama?

Because Obama didn't try to sell a senate seat. Its not complicated. Do you understand that "I have no evidence of any sort that Obama is guilty of anything, but I FEEL that he must be guilty" is not actual evidence?

now why don't you try to sanitize buying your seats in our government.

Blago did that. And Trump now loves him for it. Do you disagree with DearLeader? Be careful about answering. Any disagreement with DearLeader can get you declared a heretic and tossed under the bus.
The world has become topsy turvy. Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed.

You're an idiot. There is nothing corrupt about a President and his issuing Pardons.

Did you wet yourself this much when Clinton Pardoned his Whitewater Conspirators, Clinton pal Marc Rich, or FALN terrorists? Did you gnash your teeth and warn of 'Armageddon' when Barry Pardoned terrorist members of the Weathermen Underground / FALN?

I severely doubt it.....
Honey, reread what I wrote. Nowhere did I state anything other than facts that the justice system has been shown to be corrupt, even more than we realized. Why was the sentence never revisited? He’d served 8, due to be out in 4 years.

What they have done to Trump and others is outrageous.
please show me anyone saying blago is an unjustly persecuted victim.

Depotoo did that. Along with Trump. Why else commute a sentence, unless you think the sentence was unjust?
So you saying that Barry thought the sentence given to terrorists who openly admitted to bombing and murdering innocent people, who initially refused to take Clinton's pardon on the condition that they never kill innocent people again, was too long? Seems like it....
Honey, reread what I wrote. Nowhere did I state anything other than facts that the justice system has been shown to be corrupt, even more than we realized. Why was the sentence never revisited? He’d served 8, due to be out in 4 years.
please show me anyone saying blago is an unjustly persecuted victim.

Depotoo did that. Along with Trump. Why else commute a sentence, unless you think the sentence was unjust?

no one has done that. the implication is more if he's dirty why isn't obama?

Because Obama didn't try to sell a senate seat. Its not complicated. Do you understand that "I have no evidence of any sort that Obama is guilty of anything, but I FEEL that he must be guilty" is not actual evidence?

now why don't you try to sanitize buying your seats in our government.

Blago did that. And Trump now loves him for it. Do you disagree with DearLeade? Be careful about answering. Any disagreement with DearLeader can get you declared a heretic and tossed under the bus.
His conviction was overturned for trying to sell the seat. What do you not get? I can’t stand Blagojevich, but unjust prosecution is a travesty to anyone! Should scum be in jail just because they are scum?
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What they have done to Trump and others is outrageous.
I completely agree with THAT. Forgive me if I did not take what you are saying as what you meant. MY point is Trump has the power to Pardon whoever he wants, like the other presidents did. The fact that it was Mueller, Comey, et al... that put Blago behind bars played a huge part, IMO, in why Trump pardoned Blago.
Honey, reread what I wrote. Nowhere did I state anything other than facts that the justice system has been shown to be corrupt, even more than we realized. Why was the sentence never revisited? He’d served 8, due to be out in 4 years.
What the hell? You accused me of stating a president was corrupt for issuing pardons. I did no such thing. Not even close.
His conviction was overturned for trying to sell the seat. What do you not get? I can’t stand Blagojevich, but unjust prosecution is a travesty to anyone! Should scum bemin jail just because they are scum?
I don't see a Pardon as an 'acquittal' but as a 'time served' call. Blago committed a crime...but perhaps his biggest crime may have been knowing too much / having too much on Barry, which explains why the GBI has still not released the 303 or the transcripts of his interview.
What the hell? You accused me of stating a president was corrupt for issuing pardons. I did no such thing. Not even close.
Thank you - just confirming. I am sincerely sorry for the misunderstanding.
please show me anyone saying blago is an unjustly persecuted victim.

Depotoo did that. Along with Trump. Why else commute a sentence, unless you think the sentence was unjust?

no one has done that. the implication is more if he's dirty why isn't obama?

Because Obama didn't try to sell a senate seat. Its not complicated. Do you understand that "I have no evidence of any sort that Obama is guilty of anything, but I FEEL that he must be guilty" is not actual evidence?

now why don't you try to sanitize buying your seats in our government.

Blago did that. And Trump now loves him for it. Do you disagree with DearLeader? Be careful about answering. Any disagreement with DearLeader can get you declared a heretic and tossed under the bus.
He posted after you did so it would be impossible for you to have been referencing him at the time.

care to try again?
So you saying that Barry thought the sentence given to terrorists who openly admitted to bombing and murdering innocent people, who initially refused to take Clinton's pardon on the condition that they never kill innocent people again, was too long? Seems like it....

Yep, we disagreed with those commutations. They were done to curry political favor with Puerto Rican voters.

Remember, we're liberals. Thus, we're consistent, pretty much by definition. Conservatives have trouble understanding consistency.

Trump's Blago commutation wasn't done to please a special interest group. He wanted to demonstrate to everyone that he'll pardon anyone he likes, period. The point was to let his lackeys know that they can commit crimes on his behalf and then be pardoned for it, so long as they remain loyal. Rats will rot in prison, but loyal lackeys will be pardoned.

I don't see a Pardon as an 'acquittal' but as a 'time served' call. Blago committed a crime...but perhaps his biggest crime may have been knowing too much / having too much on Barry, which explains why the GBI has still not released the 303 or the transcripts of his interview.

So. you've also joined the "Blago is a victim" team, a team that didn't exist 2 days ago. Thanks for proving my point.
He posted after you did so it would be impossible for you to have been referencing him at the time.

So? You're not making any sense. I never said "The people on this thread have said ...". I referred to Trump cultists in general.

And now a second person here has jumped on the "Blago is a victim" bandwagon, so my point is reinforced.

You'd best find out if you're required to jump on that bandwagon as well. I wouldn't want to see the other cultists turn on your for not obeying DearLeader with sufficient enthusiasm.

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