Southern Baptist Convention Controversies


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"The Southern Baptist Convention's official news service turned to the writings of the denomination's lead ethicist Thursday to criticize an op-ed asking that the blind eye the church has long given divorced and remarried Christians be given LGBT couples as an apple to oranges argument. While churches are maybe at fault for permitting biblically unlawful divorces and marriages within its fellowship, heterosexual remarriages are still considered marriages according to the Bible while same-sex marriage are not.

Danny Cortez, a California pastor who recently led his church New Heart Community Church in affirming same-sex relationships, published an opinion in the Huffington Post rejecting the traditional choice of embracing the Bible's teachings about marriage. He wrote that there is a "third way" where the Church can be united as the body of Christ yet have "deep disagreements." Cortez also asserted that the SBC already has such a pathway for divorced and remarried Christians."
Southern Baptist Convention to Disfellowshipped Church Pastor Denomination s Failings Regarding Divorce Are Not an Opportunity for Gay Marriage

"(RNS) The trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary have affirmed the school’s president, Paige Patterson, after investigating his decision to admit a Muslim student into the school’s Ph.D. program."
Southern Baptist seminary clears president after dispute over Muslim student - Religion News Service

"Here are seven of the most controversial, strange and heart-warming motions brought to the SBC floor.

Impeach President Barack Obama – Wiley Drake, pastor of First Southern Baptist in Buena Park, California, asked the Committee on Resolutions to join Operation American Spring's efforts to impeach Barack Obama.

An online search of organization revealed that Operation American Spring – adapted from the middle eastern movement "Arab Spring" – is a grassroots effort for "patriots" to replace President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D), Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R), House Speaker John Boehner (R), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D) and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder with "law-abiding leadership." Drake's motion received a scanty second. The SBC Committee on Order of Business later declared the request was not in line with the convention's mission.

Ban the 2011 NIV Bible – Bob Lilly of FBC Richland asked that Lifeway "reconsider its decision to publish and pay royalties for the gender neutral 2011 NIV in Southern Baptist Sunday School Material."

The 2011 New International Version Bible has been a source of controversy among the evangelical Christian community. The translation, which erases gender-specific details from several of the texts, has been rejected by Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Texas megachurch First Baptist Church and even the Southern Baptist Convention.
Top 7 Most Controversial Strange and Heart-Warming Motions and Resolutions at Southern Baptist Convention 2014

...Was looking for one in particular, but seems there's rather a lot.
"The Southern Baptist Convention's official news service turned to the writings of the denomination's lead ethicist Thursday to criticize an op-ed asking that the blind eye the church has long given divorced and remarried Christians be given LGBT couples as an apple to oranges argument. While churches are maybe at fault for permitting biblically unlawful divorces and marriages within its fellowship, heterosexual remarriages are still considered marriages according to the Bible while same-sex marriage are not.

Danny Cortez, a California pastor who recently led his church New Heart Community Church in affirming same-sex relationships, published an opinion in the Huffington Post rejecting the traditional choice of embracing the Bible's teachings about marriage. He wrote that there is a "third way" where the Church can be united as the body of Christ yet have "deep disagreements." Cortez also asserted that the SBC already has such a pathway for divorced and remarried Christians."
Southern Baptist Convention to Disfellowshipped Church Pastor Denomination s Failings Regarding Divorce Are Not an Opportunity for Gay Marriage

"(RNS) The trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary have affirmed the school’s president, Paige Patterson, after investigating his decision to admit a Muslim student into the school’s Ph.D. program."
Southern Baptist seminary clears president after dispute over Muslim student - Religion News Service

"Here are seven of the most controversial, strange and heart-warming motions brought to the SBC floor.

Impeach President Barack Obama – Wiley Drake, pastor of First Southern Baptist in Buena Park, California, asked the Committee on Resolutions to join Operation American Spring's efforts to impeach Barack Obama.

An online search of organization revealed that Operation American Spring – adapted from the middle eastern movement "Arab Spring" – is a grassroots effort for "patriots" to replace President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D), Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R), House Speaker John Boehner (R), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D) and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder with "law-abiding leadership." Drake's motion received a scanty second. The SBC Committee on Order of Business later declared the request was not in line with the convention's mission.

Ban the 2011 NIV Bible – Bob Lilly of FBC Richland asked that Lifeway "reconsider its decision to publish and pay royalties for the gender neutral 2011 NIV in Southern Baptist Sunday School Material."

The 2011 New International Version Bible has been a source of controversy among the evangelical Christian community. The translation, which erases gender-specific details from several of the texts, has been rejected by Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Texas megachurch First Baptist Church and even the Southern Baptist Convention.
Top 7 Most Controversial Strange and Heart-Warming Motions and Resolutions at Southern Baptist Convention 2014

...Was looking for one in particular, but seems there's rather a lot.

Given their history as breakaway outfit that supported slavery, General Sherman should have torched everyone of their churches

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